Spiritfarer Guide: How To Fast Travel (All Bus Stop Locations)

Want to learn how to fast travel in Spiritfarer? Here's a handy guide on how to fast-travel, including an overview of all bus stop locations.

Spiritfarer features a unique fast travel system that allows you to go from one Bus Stop to another instantly. In this guide, we’ll show you how to fast travel in Spiritfarer and provide a list of all Bus Stop locations in the game.

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How To Fast Travel

Spiritfarer Fast Travel

Fast traveling in Spiritfarer works quite differently compared to most games. Before you can unlock the ability to fast travel, you will first need to start exploring the game’s map by sailing in different directions.

After some time, you will eventually stumble upon your first Bus Stop, which is easily recognized by the sound of circus music playing and a greeting from Alex the seal. Approach Alex and he will tell you all about his bus service and encourage you to give it a try.

Keep exploring to reveal new Bus Stops. Once you have unlocked a few, you can travel between bus stops by interacting with Alex. Select ‘Travel,’ pick the Bus Stop you want to go to, and wait for Alex to perform a short animation before returning to your ship in the new location.

All Bus Stop Locations

Spiritfarer Bus Stop Locations

Spiritfarer’s map is quite large, so fast traveling can help cut down on the amount of time it takes to get from one point to another. There are 17 Bus Stops in the game and each one can be discovered simply by exploring the map. Below we have provided a list of every bus stop along with their nearest map location. 

Central Region

There are seven Bus Stops located throughout the Central Region, where the game starts.

  • The Everdoor
  • Albert’s Shipyard
  • Hummingberg
  • Villa Maggiore
  • Iwashima Countryside
  • Hikarishima Lighthouse
  • Furogawa

Ice Region

There are three Bus Stops located throughout the Ice Region, which can only be accessed after upgrading your ship. 

  • Nordsee Pier
  • Loneberg
  • Nordweiler

Rock Region

There are three Bus Stops located throughout the Rock Region and they can also only be unlocked after you have upgraded your ship.

  • Sunspring Square
  • Ambertown Park
  • Oxbury

Mist Regions

Lastly, there are two Mist Regions, one to the north and one to the south.  Both require the same boat upgrade and reveal the remaining four Bus Stops.

  • Shadow Forest (Southern Mist Region)
  • Hidden Shrine (Southern Mist Region)
  • Greymist Peaks (Northern Mist Region)
  • Misty Woods (Northern Mist Region)

How To Unlock ‘Public Transportation’ Achievement

Spiritfarer Public Transportation Achievement

The ‘Public Transportation’ Achievement is unlocked by using a Bus Stop 50 times. Considering Spiritfarer includes a lot of backtracking throughout the story, you should have no problem getting this achievement.

Just pay attention to the locations you frequent most and pick the same Bus Stop every time you go.  

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Justin Fernandez

As a fan of both indie and triple-A games, Justin finds joy in discovering and sharing hidden gems with other passionate gamers. In addition to reporting on the latest and greatest titles, he manages GamingScan’s social media channels.

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