Pokemon Masters Tier List: Best Sync Pairs

Here's the ultimate Pokémon Masters EX tier list containing the best sync pairs that you can get. Our tier list is kept up to date and compiled by experts.

Pokemon Masters introduces a unique element of doing battles: the sync pair. Sync pairs are trainer–pokemon duos that help you through battle. If you want to make it far in Pokemon Masters, building up your sync pairs is vital.

As such, the question is: Which sync pairs are worth investing in? Which one do you spend resources and time on to unlock their potential?

This is where our tier list comes in. With it, you’ll be guided on what the best pairs in the game are so you can build your team around them.

Read on to start optimizing your team with the best pairs the game has to offer.

Note: Explanations will only be given for S-tier to B-tier pairs since pairs below that are mostly similar to one another, with roles being the only differentiator.

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Pokemon Masters Tier List S Tier
Sync Pair Role Explanation
Cynthia – Mega GarchompPhysical StrikeThis pair could end up in A-tier because it requires the Acerola – Palossand pair as well to unleash its true potential. However, it’s in S-tier right now because of that potential. While in sandy terrain, Earthquake can deal more than double the damage. If you factor in Garchomp’s incredible attack stats into this, you’ll see that you have an AoE killing machine that can deal with multiple foes at once.
Hilbert – MightyenaPhysical StrikeThis pair is an excellent damage dealing option. Mightyena keeps getting better and better as the meta becomes more focused on damage, which puts it far above other options.
Karen – Mega HoundoomSpecial Attack StrikeThis pair has one of the highest damage potentials in the game. That’s just one aspect of its brilliance, though. High Critical Hit Rates and a chance to make enemies flinch are extremely useful abilities that make the duo a formidable force.
N – ZekromPhysical StrikeZekrom is similar to Garchomp but excels in ever more damage. His single damage is what really makes him relevant due to meta complimenting that type of playstyle. Great when paired with Electric Terrain types for even more damage output.
Steven – Mega MetagrossPhysical StrikeWhy wouldn’t you put the pair with the highest attack stat in the game on top? If you want devastating damage to deal with your opponents, this pair has got you covered. On top of that, it has good healing and decent MP refresh, which are good bonuses.
Acerola – PalossandTechAside from being Garchomp’s greatest wingman, Palossand has great utility for any team you slot it in. It can buff the team’s Attack and Critical Hit Rate, and keep the team alive with decent healing and weather effects.
Bianca – MusharnaTechThey have a great sync grid that makes them very versatile. This pair is great for maxing out their defenses and can deal a lot of damage using Stored Power.
May – SwampertTechThis pair has great Water AoE output, and depending on the weather, they can be deadly. Swampert benefits from May’s Sync Grid for getting a lot of advantages. They are tanky and can dish out a lot of damage if properly played.
Serena – DelphoxTechThis pair’s calling card is their incredible potential for damage as well as the best way to spread status effects to the opponent. Go Viral provides an excellent utility that is effective against any party composition.
Sygna Suit Leaf – Mega VenusaurTechThis pair has amazing support potential because of massive healing for a tank. It has excellent utility and debuffs that easily skew any battle in your favor. A classic all-rounder, this duo should have a permanent spot in your roster throughout the game.
Hilbert – SamurottSupportGreat for teams that depend on physical damage. They can buff up stats and are very versatile since they can adapt to any situation using the grid.
Player – TorchicSupportWe’re starting with the default combo of you and Torchic. This is a powerful duo that can support a variety of team setups by increasing their attack, special attack and Critical Rate stats.
Professor Sycamore – XerneasSupportThis pair is great for new and experienced players due to their ability to tank a lot of damage and still be very versatile with their sync grid. A great pair that is very viable if you’re looking for tanky support.
Sabrina – Mega AlakazamSupportA pair with great utility that does exceptionally well in offensive team compositions due to their ability to dish out a lot of buffs and provide a lot of heals.
Skyla – SwannaSupportAnother powerhouse support, but this one focuses on defensive and tanking buffs. Master Healer is a must-have on your team if you want to last long in tougher battles.
Sygna Suit Blue – Mega BlastoiseSupportThis is the bulkiest, tankiest duo available in the game. While Blastoise won’t blow you away offensively, its nearly impenetrable defense shines in almost any situation in-game. This pair is not versatile enough to place higher in the list, but it’s solid for its intended role.


Pokemon Masters Tier List A Tier
Sync Pair Role Explanation
Leon – CharizardSpecial Attack StrikeLeon and Charizard are a great option for immense damage output but the drawbacks come with Leon’s dependence on other teammates because of the gauge support and buffs.
Alder – VolcaronaSpecial Attack StrikeA pair with solid damage with no influence on terrain or weather dependable teams. They are very versatile, and in certain situations, this pair can be a very good option.
Brendan – SceptilePhysical StrikeThis pair’s self-sufficient nature has earned it a high place on this list. Sceptile can deal massive damage with a few turns of set up. While this burst damage is effective in shorter battles, it doesn’t do well when the match drags on. This is the only thing that prevents the duo from being in S-tier.
Blue – Mega PidgeotSpecial Attack StrikePidgeot has a very high Special Attack ceiling (close to that of Charizard’s) and has sufficient self-buffs to increase its versatility. Pidgeot also has a fast speed stat that makes up for its lack of early damage output.
Iris – HaxorusPhysical StrikeIf Haxorus just had decent stats, it would be up there in S-tier. Its move set revolves around self-sufficiency through a variety of self-buffs.
Lance – DragonitePhysical StrikeDragonite has excellent stats. Dragonite has Hyper Beam. Dragonite can do excessive amounts of damage. The catch? Dragonite can’t buff itself up, unlike other self-sustaining pairs. If you want solid damage with this duo, you better be ready to build a support team around it.
Lysandre – YveltalSpecial Attack StrikeThis pair is very versatile because of Yveltal’s ability to split types. This can be great in some situations but can also be the downside of the pair. They do not dish out as much damage as other pairs in this category, but the flexibility is what makes them a solid A-tier pick.
May – Mega LopunnyPhysical StrikeA great pair combining Strike and Support. They can dish out a lot of boosts while still dealing immense damage. They are a threat that’s not to be reckoned with.
Selene – DecidueyePhysical StrikeA great pair that is very flexible and self-sufficient but falls off a bit when compared to other pairs of this type. Even though they fall off, this pair is able to deal a lot of damage and be a good pick for many compositions.
Sygna Suit Cynthia – Kommo-oSpecial Attack StrikeSimilar to Garchomp, Kommo-O has a late-game offensive arsenal that makes the initial set up worth it. This is a duo that needs good support to make it shine, but you’ll enjoy excellent damage output once you cover that.
Sygna Suit Grimsley – Mega SharpedoPhysical StrikeYet another striker built on speed, Sharpedo does its role well. There are only a couple of drawbacks that bar it from entering the higher tiers. It has good speed but only shows its true damage potential a few turns in the match. Heavy Recoil is also a pain because you have to constantly keep healing Sharpedo throughout the fight.
Agatha – Mega GengarTechGengar is to Houndoom what Palossand is to Garchomp. A Gengar-Houndoom team would net you loads of Special Attack potential in any matches you encounter. On its own, this pair boasts excellent offensive stats and useful debuffing potential.
Dawn – AlcremieTechA bit expensive but a solid pick for debuffing and healing. They lack Potion but offer a lot of mixed buffs and move gauge supporting, which is always great.
Flannery – TorkoalTechThis pair has good bulk, making it ideal for tanking. It also boasts good buffs that give several bonuses to your party.
Ghetsis – KyuremTechDue to their slow build-up, this pair needs allies that can regenerate move gauge very quickly. They can buff up their Critical Hit Rate and lower the opponent’s attack and speed. This makes them great for dealing and negating a lot of incoming damage.
Iris – HydreigonTechA great pick if you’re looking for an offensive and defensive utility pair. They have a lot of damage and a great debuff. This makes them an excellent option for any situation.
Koga – CrobatTechThis duo was designed to be an offensive nightmare for the opponent. It can inflict poison, which scales over time, even without spending MP. Crobat is perfect for long, drawn-out fights.
Professor Oak – MewTechMew has incredible utility through its complete set of debuffs. On top of this, it can buff evasion, which is a completely underrated stat for mitigation.
Serena – WhimsicottTechA must-have if going for the Kommo-O combination. They help a lot in spreading the Paralysis to multiple enemies and reducing incoming damage. If you’re looking for a third slot, this pair is a great option.
Volkner – LuxrayTechThis pair is a great option if going for a high damage composition. Investing pays off well since every new addition to Electric type Striker will just make it more viable and flexible.
Will – XatuTechXatu’s passive ability, which makes it immune to debuffs, is enough to place it so high in this list. It can’t be stated enough how valuable it is to only have to buff this pair at the start of the battle and then enjoy those buffs no matter how long the match takes.
Dawn – TorterraSupportThis pair is great for tanking and lowering the enemy attack output over time. Their stats are really good, and the damage with sync nuke can sometimes get you out of the sticky situations.
Erika – ComfeySupportA tanky pair that can use defensive buffs and heal allies when needed. They are great if you’re looking for a pair that can defend the Striker very well and hold their ground due to the tankiness they have.
Jasmine – Mega SteelixSupportA great overall tanky option with stats to back that up. They are able to lower enemy defenses which is always useful and become a lot more powerful depending on the amount of defense they have.
Lillie – ClefairySupportThis pair is great at buffing AoE offense, and is very versatile. These can be used in a lot of compositions that focus on boosting stats instead of tanking a lot of damage.
Leaf – EeveeSupportThis is a great pair for tanking sync moves. They favor compositions based on physical damage and can be very fun to play. The only downside to this pair is the disabling of mega evolution.
Lyra – MeganiumSupportAnother perfect pair for weather utilization, Lyra – Meganium fully bring out a team’s potential with stat boosts across the board. This pairing also boasts excellent tank capabilities with decent healing and defensive stats.
Misty – StarmieSupportStarmie is a versatile support because of good healing with decent buffs. The pair is best utilized as an off-tank or backup of other bulkier tanks.
Piers – ObstagoonSupportA good pick that excels at supporting while staying alive. They rely on player experience and luck, so that is the only reason this pair is in this tier.
Rosa – DelibirdSupportThis pair shines when you have physical strikers in your party. It can buff Attack and Speed, as well as other helpful stats in a pinch. Delibird is also pretty bulky to add to its survivability in longer fights.
Sygna Suit Elesa – RotomSupportThis pair is your best bet when you want to support special attackers like Charizard. What makes this Rotom duo top-tier, however, is the bonus of survivability through evasion bonuses, and the ability to reduce the sync move cooldown.


Pokemon Masters Tier List B Tier
Sync Pair Role Explanation
Burgh – LeavannySpecial Attack StrikerThis pair has decent stats to go along with good buffs and debuffs. Leavanny is a great all-around choice if you don’t have a focus for your party yet.
Caitlin – ReuniclusSpecial Attack StrikerWhat makes this pair special is that it can function as decent tank support in a snow/sand team. It is excellent as both a mitigator and a damage sponge.
Cyrus – PalkiaSpecial Attack StrikerAnother pair with less desirable stats but make up for it with an awesome move set. Palkia needs support to get going but is a pretty solid contender for your team at any point.
Korrina – Mega LucarioPhysical StrikerThis pair has good damage output with the potential to increase Critical Hit Rate further. If you build around this setup, you can have a heavy-hitting team on your hands.
Lance – GyaradosPhysical StrikerGood damage potential and solid versatility. They fall to this tier because of better options in the higher tiers that pretty much do the same but better.
Noland – Mega PinsirPhysical StrikerAs a physical attacker, Pinsir benefits from having one of the best damage outputs in the game. It also has decent speed that can be enhanced when Noland uses his trainer skill. Fury Cutter is also a quick move that stacks damage without consuming too much of the move gauge.
Player – SolgaleoPhysical StrikerThis pair has a very high damage ceiling if you’re willing to commit other slots in your team to support it. It’s relegated to B-tier because of its one-dimensional nature.
Wally – Mega GalladePhysical StrikerGallade is outclassed by S-tier physical strikers. It compensates for that by having the ability to debuff opponents, which is rare for physical attackers. Overall, this pairing is a potent offensive choice for any team.
Brock – OnixTechThis pair’s Sync Grid has made it a viable defense-oriented support duo despite having lackluster stats. Defense buffing without spending MP is an extremely useful skill, and Potion Master is a highly effective toolkit for bulky pairs.
Kukui – LycanrocTechLycanroc is a well-balanced pokemon. Its strong attacks have poor accuracy but can instantly be buffed during the match. Lycanroc is best utilized by upping its Critical Hit Rate. Every Critical Hit triggers a speed boost
Lisia – Mega AltariaTechThis pair is pretty much outdated with its kit and not that good damage. They are useful in some situations, but there are options that do much better in the same category.
Mallow – TsareenaTech  A very effective pair if combined correctly. They have a lot of damage and useful debuffs but sometimes can be hard to manage due to their constant relying on offensive boosts.
Skyla – TogekissTechSkyla and Togekiss require a lot of investment for not that much in return. This is a good option as a sync nuker but not that good to be in the meta.
Drake – SalamenceSupportThis pair boasts great bulk and effective defensive boosts to your party. While lacking in offensive capability, Drake and Salamence are quite useful in long fights.
Elio – PrimarinaSupportGood for boosting team and lowering enemy defense stats while still being able to sustain in fights. They are very versatile, but that sometimes can come as a downside since no buffs are considerably strong on their own.
Phoebe – DusknoirSupportThis duo used to dominate the tier list for support pairs but has since fallen from that spot. Despite this, Dusknoir boasts good bulk, a bonus to Critical Chance, and an ever-useful refresh on the move gauge at will. This is a decent tank pair with lots of utility as well.
Player – PikachuSpecial Attack StrikerUnlike other supports, Pikachu complete lack of bulk means you can’t use it as a tank. This disadvantage is offset by excellent Speed and a unique move set that gives the player access to Potion Master Healer and MP Refresh.


Pokemon Masters Tier List C Tier
Sync Pair Role
Lyra – JigglypuffSpecial Attack Striker
Barry – EmpoleonSpecial Attack Striker
Bruno – MachampPhysical Striker
Silver – Ho-ohSpecial Attack Striker
Bugsy – Mega BeedrillPhysical Striker
Ethan – TyphlosionSpecial Attack Striker
Gardenia – RoseradeSpecial Attack Striker
Kris – FeraligatrPhysical Striker
Elesa – ZebstrikaPhysical Striker
Molayne – DugtrioPhysical Striker
Roxie – ScolipedePhysical Striker
Pryce – DewgongSpecial Attack Striker
Clemont – HelioliskTech
Ramos – VictreebelTech
Acerola – MimikyuTech
Calem – MeowsticTech
Blaine – RapidashTech
Brawly – HariyamaTech
Wallace – MiloticTech
Crasher Wake – FloatzelTech
Erika – VileplumeTech
Gladion – SilvalyTech
Marnie – MorpekoTech
Siebold – OctilleryTech
Viola – MasquerainTech
Sophocles – TogedemaruTech
Winona – PelipperTech
Lana – AraquanidSupport
Rosa – SerperiorSupport
Glacia – Mega GlalieSupport
Cheryl – BlisseySupport
Liza – LunatoneSupport
Maylene – MedichamSupport
Roxanne – ProbopassSupport


Pokemon Masters Tier List D Tier
Sync Pair Role
Marshal – ConkeldurPhysical Striker
Norman – SlakingPhysical Striker
Player – SolgaleoSpecial Attack Striker
Roark – RampardosPhysical Striker
Shauntal – ChandelureSpecial Attack Striker
Tate – SolrockPhysical Striker
Zinnia – RayquazaSpecial Attack Striker
Brycen – CryogonalTech
Candice – AbomasnowTech
James – WeezingTech
Lucy – SeviperTech
Lt. Surge – ElectrodeTech
Thorton – BronzongTech
Cheren – StoutlandSupport


Pokemon Masters Tier List F Tier
Sync Pair Role
Hapu – MudsdalePhysical Striker
Valerie – SylveonSpecial Attack Striker
Siebold – ClawitzerSpecial Attack Striker
Whitney – MiltankTech
Grant – AurorusTech
Lorelei – LaprasTech
Mina – GranbullTech
Marlon – CarracostaSupport
Marley – ArcanineSupport

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Samuel Stewart

Samuel is GamingScan's editor-in-chief. He describes himself as a dedicated gamer and programmer. He enjoys helping others discover the joys of gaming. Samuel closely follows the latest trends in the gaming industry in order to keep the visitors in the flow.

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