Slay The Spire Tier List

It's much easier to win in Slay The Spire if you go for the right cards. Here is the best Slay The Spire tier list for Ironclad, Slient, Defect and Watcher.

Since its official release in 2019, Slay the Spire has been well-received by the gaming community in general.

Its unique mix of roguelike and deck-building elements entice players to constantly replay runs to achieve the best time they could. The vast amount of card combinations (called synergies), possible also opens the door for further optimization.

Because of this, we’ve put together a list that ranks all cards available from best to worst. There will be four separate lists – each corresponding to the main playable characters in the game.

Note that we won’t be including non-colored cards in these lists as the focus will be on building the best deck for each character.

Table of ContentsShow

Ironclad Tier List

Slay The Spire Ironclad Tier List

The Ironclad’s focus is on dishing out powerful strikes and maintaining powerful defensive options.

It has the highest HP out of all characters when starting a run, and has the Burning Blood relic, which recovers 6 HP after every combat encounter.


CorruptionPower3Skills cost 0. Whenever you play a Skill, Exhaust it.Rare
EntrenchSkill2Double your current Block.Uncommon
ReaperAttack2Deal 4(5) damage to ALL enemies. Heal for unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust.Rare
ExhumeSkill1(0)Place a card from your Exhaust pile into your hand. ExhaustRare
HavocSkill1(0)Play the top card of your draw pile and Exhaust it.Common
SentinelSkill1Gain 5(8) Block. If this card is Exhausted, gain 2(3) energy.Uncommon
Burning PactSkill1Exhaust 1 card. Draw 2(3) cards.Uncommon
Seeing RedSkill1(0)Gain 2 energy. Exhaust.Uncommon
BludgeonAttack3Deal 32(42) damage.Rare
Feel No PainPower1Whenever a card is Exhausted, gain 3(4) Block.Uncommon


UppercutAttack2Deal 13 damage. Apply 1(2) Weak. Apply 1(2) Vulnerable.Uncommon
ShockwaveSkill2Apply 3(5) Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust.Uncommon
Second WindSkill1Exhaust all non-attack cards in your hand and gain 5(7) Block for each.Uncommon
Demon FormPower3At the start of each turn, gain 2(3) Strength.Rare
Ghostly ArmorSkill1Ethereal. Gain 10(13) Block.Uncommon
Battle TranceSkill0Draw 3(4) cards. You cannot draw additional cards this turn.Uncommon
Flame BarrierSkill2Gain 12(16) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 4(6) damage to the attacker.Uncommon
Spot WeaknessSkill1If an enemy intends to attack, gain 3(4) Strength.Uncommon
ArmamentsSkill1Gain 5 Block. Upgrade a(ALL) card(s) in your hand for the rest of combat.Uncommon
OfferingSkill0Lose 6 HP. Gain 2 energy. Draw 3(5) cards. Exhaust.Rare
Shrug It OffSkill1Gain 8(11) Block. Draw 1 card.Common
PummelAttack1Deal 2 damage 4(5) times. Exhaust.Uncommon
CarnageAttack2Ethereal. Deal 20(28) damage.Uncommon
Dual WieldSkill1Create (2) copy(s) of an Attack or Power card in your hand.Uncommon
Infernal BladeSkill1(0)Add a random Attack to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.Uncommon
BarricadePower3(2)Block no longer expires at the start of your turn.Rare
Power ThroughSkill1Deal 2 damage 4(5) times. Exhaust.Uncommon


IntimidateSkill0Apply 1(2) Weak to ALL enemies. Exhaust.Uncommon
DisarmSkill1Enemy loses 2(3) Strength. Exhaust.Uncommon
ClotheslineAttack2Deal 12(14) damage. Apply 2(3) Weak.Common
Perfected StrikeAttack2Deal 6 damage. Deals an additional 2(3) damage for ALL your cards containing “Strike”.Common
Fiend FireAttack2Exhaust your hand. Deal 7(10) damage for each Exhausted card. Exhaust.Rare
FeedAttack1Deal 10(12) damage. If this kills a non-minion enemy, gain 3(4) permanent Max HP. Exhaust.Rare
BloodlettingSkill0Lose 3 HP. Gain 1(2) Energy.Uncommon
Dark EmbracePower2(1)Whenever a card is Exhausted, draw 1 card.Uncommon
JuggernautPower2Whenever you gain Block, deal 5(7) damage to a random enemy.Rare
ImperviousSkill2Gain 30(40) Block. Exhaust.Rare
RampageAttack1Deal 8 damage. Every time this card is played, increase its damage by 5(8) for this combat.Uncommon
MetallicizePower1At the end of your turn, gain 3(4) Block.Uncommon
Pommel StrikeAttack1Deal 9(10) damage. Draw 1(2) card(s).Common
WarcrySkill0Draw 1(2) card(s). Place a card from your hand on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.Common
Body SlamAttack1(0)Deal damage equal to your current Block.Common
Heavy BladeAttack2Deal 14 damage. Strength affects Heavy Blade 3(5) times.Common
DropkickAttack1Deal 5(8) damage. If the enemy is Vulnerable, gain 1 energy and draw 1 card.Uncommon


True GritSkill1Gain 7(9) Block. Exhaust a random card from your hand.Common
ImmolateAttack2Deal 21(28) damage to ALL enemies. Add a Burn to your discard pile.Rare
Blood For BloodAttack4(3)Cost 1 less energy for each time you lose HP in combat. Deal 18(22) damage.Uncommon
EvolvePower1Whenever you draw a Status, draw 1(2) card(s).Uncommon
WhirlwindAttackXDeal 5(8) damage to ALL enemies X times.Uncommon
Limit BreakSkill1Double your Strength. Exhaust.Rare
Sword BoomerangAttack1Deal 3 damage to a random enemy 3(4) times.Common
Reckless ChargeAttack0Deal 7(10) damage. Shuffle a Dazed into your draw pile.Uncommon
Sever SoulAttack2Exhaust all non-attack cards in your hand. Deal 16(20) damage.Uncommon
InflamePower1Gain 2(3) Strength.Uncommon
Double TapSkill1This turn, your next (2) Attack(s) is(are) played twice.Rare


HeadbuttAttack1Deal 9(12) damage. Place a card from your discard pile on top of your draw pile.Common
Iron WaveAttack1Gain 5(7) Block. Deal 5(7) damage.Common
Twin StrikeAttack1Deal 5(7) damage twice.Common
RageSkill0Whenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 3(5) Block.Uncommon
Fire BreathingPower1Whenever you draw a Status or Curse card, deal 6(10) damage to all enemies.Uncommon
BrutalityPower0(Innate). At the start of your turn, lose 1 HP and draw 1 card.Rare
AngerAttack0Deal 6(8) damage. Add a copy of this card to your discard pile.Common
Searing BlowAttack2Deal 12(16) damage. Can be upgraded any number of times.Uncommon
RupturePower1(0)Whenever you lose HP from a card, gain 1 Strength.Uncommon
ThunderclapAttack1Deal 4(7) damage and apply 1 Vulnerable to ALL enemies.Common
Wild StrikeAttack1Deal 12(17) damage. Shuffle a Wound into your draw pile.Common


CombustPower1At the end of your turn, lose 1 HP and deal 5(7) damage to ALL enemies.Uncommon
HemokinesisAttack1Lose 3(2) HP. Deal 14(18) damage.Uncommon
FlexSkill0Gain 2(4) Strength. At the end of your turn, lose 2(4) Strength.Common
CleaveAttack1Deal 8(11) damage to ALL enemies.Common
BerserkPower0Gain 2(1) Vulnerable. Gain 1 Energy at the start of your turn.Rare
ClashAttack0Can only be played if every card in your hand is an Attack. Deal 14(18) damage.Common

The Silent Tier List

Slay The Spire Silent Tier List

The Silent is akin to the rogue/assassin archetype in fantasy. It capitalizes on numerous card-draws, poison, and traps to carve through enemies.

It starts with a measly 70 HP and a relic item that lets it draw an additional 2 cards at the start of combat.


AdrenalineSkill1Gain 1(2) Energy. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.Rare
BackflipSkill1Gain 5(8) block. Draw 2 cards.Common
After ImagePower1(Innate). Whenever you play a card, gain 1 Block.Rare
Leg SweepSkill2Apply 2(3) Weak. Gain 11(14) Block.Uncommon
PredatorAttack2Deal 15(20) damage. Draw 2 more cards next turn.Uncommon
Cloak And DaggerSkill1Gain 6 Block. Add 1(2) Shiv(s) to your hand.Common
Bouncing FlaskSkill2Apply 3 poison to a random enemy 3(4) times.Uncommon
MalaiseSkillXEnemy loses X(+1) Strength. Apply X(+1) Weak. Exhaust.Rare
Calculated GambleSkill0Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. Exhaust.Uncommon
EnvenomPower2(1)Whenever an attack deals unblocked damage, apply 1 Poison.Rare
Piercing WailSkill1ALL enemies lose 6(8) Strength for 1 turn. Exhaust.Common
Infinite BladesPower1(Innate). At the start of your turn, add a Shiv to your hand.Uncommon
SliceAttack0Deal 5(8) damage.Common


ReflexSkill Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, draw 1(2) cards.Uncommon
Tools Of The TradePower1(0)At the start of your turn, draw 1 card and discard 1 card.Rare
Endless AgonyAttack0Whenever you draw this card, add a copy of it to your hand. Deal 4(6) damage. Exhaust.Uncommon
DashAttack2Gain 10(13) Block. Deal 10(13) damage.Uncommon
BaneAttack1Deal 7(10) damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, deal 7(10) damage again.Common
BurstSkill1This turn your next 1(2) Skill(s) is(are) played twice.Rare
DeflectSkill0Gain 4(7) Block.Common
ChokeAttack2Deal 12 damage. Whenever you play a card this turn, targeted enemy loses 3(5) HP.Uncommon
DoppelgangerSkillXNext turn, draw X(+1) cards and gain X(+1) Energy.Rare
AccuracyPower1Shivs deal 3(5) additional damage.Uncommon
TacticianSkill Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, gain 1(2) Energy.Uncommon
Escape PlanSkill0Draw 1 card. If the card is a Skill, gain 3(5) Block.Uncommon
AlchemizeSkill1(0)Obtain a random potion. Exhaust.Rare
Well-Laid PlansPower1At the end of your turn, Retain up to 1(2) card(s).Uncommon


EviscerateAttack3Costs 1 less Energy for each card discarded this turn. Deal 6(8) damage three times.Uncommon
Dagger ThrowAttack1Deal 9(12) damage. Draw 1 card. Discard 1 card.Common
TerrorSkill1(0)Apply 99 Vulnerable. Exhaust.Uncommon
BlurSkill1Gain 5(8) Block. Block is not removed at the start of your next turn.Uncommon
Glass KnifeAttack1Deal 8(12) damage twice. Glass Knife’s damage is lowered by 2 this combat.Rare
ExpertiseSkill1Draw cards until you have 6(7) in your hand.Uncommon
Poisoned StabAttack1Deal 6(8) damage. Apply 3(4) Poison.Common
AcrobaticsSkill1Draw 3(4) cards. Discard 1 card.Common
SkewerAttackXDeal 7(10) damage X times.Uncommon
Dodge And RollSkill1Gain 4(6) Block. Next turn, gain 4(6) Block.Common
Die Die DieAttack1Deal 13(17) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.Rare
FlechettesAttack1Deal 4(6) damage for each Skill in your hand.Uncommon
CatalystSkill1Deal 12 damage. Whenever you play a card this turn, the targeted enemy loses 3(5) HP.Uncommon


Dagger SprayAttack1Deal 4(6) damage to ALL enemies twice.Common
NightmareSkill3(2)Choose a card. Next turn, add 3 copies of that card into your hand. Exhaust.Rare
Sucker PunchAttack1Deal 7(9) damage. Apply 1(2) Weak.Common
A Thousand CutsPower2Whenever you play a card, deal 1(2) damage to ALL enemies.Rare
BackstabAttack0Deal 11(15) damage. Innate. Exhaust.Uncommon
CaltropsPower1Whenever you are attacked, deal 3(5) damage to the attacker.Uncommon
Grand FinaleAttack0Can only be played if there are no cards in your draw pile. Deal 50(60) damage to ALL enemies.Rare
OutmaneuverSkill1Next turn gain 2(3) Energy.Common
Bullet TimeSkill3(2)You cannot draw additional cards this turn. Reduce the cost of cards in your hand to 0 this turn.Rare
Masterful StabAttack0Costs 1 additional Energy for each time you lose HP this combat. Deal 12(16) damage.Uncommon
Riddle With HolesAttack2Deal 3(4) damage 5 times.Uncommon


FootworkPower1Gain 2(3) Dexterity.Uncommon
ConcentrateSkill0Discard 3(2) cards. Gain 2 Energy.Uncommon
Quick SlashAttack1Deal 8(12) damage. Draw 1 card.Common
FinisherAttack1Deal 6(8) damage for each Attack played this turn.Uncommon
Crippling CloudSkill2Apply 4(7) Poison and 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Exhaust.Uncommon
SetupSkill1(0)Place a card in your hand on top of your draw pile. It costs 0 until it is played.Uncommon
Storm Of SteelSkill2Discard your hand. Add 1 Shiv(+) to your hand for each card discarded.Rare
Corpse ExplosionSkill2Apply 6(9) Poison. When the enemy dies, deal damage equal to its max HP to ALL enemies.Rare
Blade DanceSkill1Add 2(3) Shivs to your hand.Common
UnloadAttack1Deal 14(18) damage. Discard all non-Attack cards.Rare
Noxious FumesPower1At the start of your turn, apply 2(3) Poison to ALL enemies.Uncommon
DistractionSkill1(0)Add a random Skill to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.Uncommon
Flying KneeAttack1Deal 8(11) damage. Next turn, gain 1 Energy.Common


All Out AttackAttack1Deal 10(14) damage to ALL enemies. Discard 1 card at random.Uncommon
Heel HookAttack1Deal 5(8) damage. If the enemy is Weak, gain 1 Energy and draw 1 card.Uncommon
PreparedSkill0Draw 1(2) card(s). Discard 1(2) card(s).Common
Phantasmal KillerSkill2(1)On your next turn, your Attack damage is doubled.Rare
Deadly PoisonSkill1Apply 5(7) Poison.Common
Sneaky StrikeAttack2Deal 10(14) damage. If you have discarded a card this turn, gain 2 Energy.Common

The Defect Tier List

Slay The Spire Defect Tier List

The Defect attacks foes with an array of powers and elemental evocations. It has a unique mechanic, the Orbs. Using cards and relics, the Defect channels these elemental spheres into a set of orb slots, activating their passive effects each turn or Evoking them for a one-time burst.

The Defect starts with three Orb slots, though cards and relics can add or consume them. It starts with 75 hp and a relic that channels 1 Lighting at the start of combat.


GlacierSkill2Gain 7(10) Block. Channel 2 Frost.Uncommon
ChillSkill0(Innate). Channel 1 Frost for each enemy in combat (per enemy in combat). Exhaust.Uncommon
DefragmentPower1Gain 1(2) Focus.Uncommon
Biased CognitionPower1Gain 4(5) Focus. At the start of each turn, lose 1 Focus.Rare
HologramSkill1Gain 3(5) Block. Return a card from your discard pile to your hand. Exhaust.Common
All For OneAttack2Deal 10(14) damage. Put all Cost 0 cards from your discard pile into your hand.Rare
White NoiseSkill1(0)Add a random Power to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.Uncommon
Cold SnapAttack1Deal 6(9) damage. Channel 1 Frost.Common
ElectrodynamicsPower2Lightning now hits ALL enemies. Channel 2(3) Lightning.Rare


Reinforced BodySkillXGain 7(9) Block X times.Uncommon
HeatsinksPower1Whenever you play a Power card, draw 1(2) card(s).Uncommon
Force FieldSkill4Costs 1 less Energy for each Power card played this combat. Gain 12(16) Block.Uncommon
SeekSkill0Choose a (2) card(s) from your draw pile and place it (them) into your hand. Exhaust.Rare
CoolheadedSkill1Channel 1 Frost. Draw 1(2) card(s).Common
SkimSkill1Draw 3(4) cards.Uncommon
CapacitorPower1Gain 2(3) Orb slots.Uncommon
Echo FormPower3The first card you play each turn is played twice. Ethereal.Rare
BarrageAttack1Deal 4(6) damage for each Channeled Orb.Common
Genetic AlgorithmSkill1Gain 1 Block. When played, permanently increase this card’s Block by 2(3).Uncommon
LoopPower1At the start of your turn, trigger the passive ability of your next Orb (2 times).Uncommon
ClawAttack0Deal 3(5) damage. All Claw cards deal 2 additional damage this combat.Common
Go For The EyesAttack0Deal 3(4) damage. If the enemy intends to attack, apply 1(2) Weak.Common
ConsumeSkill2Gain 2(3) Focus. Lose 1 Orb Slot.Uncommon
Self RepairPower1At the end of combat, heal 7(10) HP.Uncommon
FTLAttack0Deal 5(6) damage. If you have played less than 3(4) cards this turn, draw 1 card.Uncommon
BlizzardAttack1Deal damage equal to 2(3) times the Frost Channeled this combat to ALL enemies.Uncommon
SunderAttack3Deal 24(32) damage. If this kills the enemy, gain 3 Energy.Uncommon
HyperbeamAttack2Deal 26(34) damage to ALL enemies. Lose 3 Focus.Rare


Core SurgeAttack1Deal 11(15) damage. Gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust.Rare
Hello WorldPower1(Innate). At the start of your turn, add a random Common card into your hand.Uncommon
Ball LightningAttack1Deal 7(10) damage. Channel 1 Lightning.Uncommon
RainbowSkill2Channel 1 Lightning, 1 Frost, and 1 Dark. Exhaust.Rare
StormPower1(Innate). Whenever you play a Power, Channel 1 Lightning.Uncommon
BufferPower2Prevent the next (1(2)) time(s) you would lose HP.Rare
Compile DriverAttack1Deal 7(10) damage. Draw 1 card for each unique Orb you have.Common
Double EnergySkill1(0)Double your Energy. Exhaust.Uncommon
Machine LearningPower1(Innate). At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card.Rare
Meteor StrikeAttack5Deal 24(30) damage. Channel 3 Plasma.Rare
TURBOSkill0Gain 2(3) Energy. Add a Void into your discard pile.Common
Multi-CastSkillXEvoke your next Orb X (X+1) times.Rare
Creative AIPower3(2)At the start of each turn, add a random Power card to your hand.Rare
MelterAttack1Remove all Block from an enemy. Deal 10(14) damage.Uncommon
Charge BatterySkill1Gain 7(10) Block. Next turn, gain 1 Energy.Common
DarknessSkill1Channel 1 Dark. (Trigger the passive ability of all Dark orbs.)Uncommon
BullseyeAttack1Deal 8(11) damage. Apply 2(3) Lock-On.Uncommon
FissionSkill0Remove (Evoke) ALL your Orbs, gain 1 Energy and draw 1 card for each Orb removed(evoked). Exhaust.Rare


Sweeping BeamAttack1Deal 6(9) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 1 card.Common
ScrapeAttack1Deal 7(9) damage. Draw 3(4) cards. Discard all cards drawn this way that do not cost 0.Uncommon
Boot SequenceSkill0Gain 10(13) Block. Innate. Exhaust.Uncommon
LeapSkill1Gain 9(12) Block.Common
RecycleSkill1(0)Exhaust a card. Gain Energy equal to its cost.Uncommon
OverclockSkill0Draw 2(3) cards. Add a Burn into your discard pile.Uncommon
ReprogramSkill1Lose 2(1) Focus. Gain 1 Strength. Gain 1 Dexterity.Uncommon
StreamlineAttack2Deal 15(20) damage. Whenever you play this card, reduce its cost by 1 for this combat.Common
AmplifySkill1This turn, your next (1(2)) Power(s) is (are) played twice.Rare
Auto-ShieldsSkill1If you have 0 Block, gain 11(15) Block.Uncommon
Rip And TearAttack1Deal 7(9) damage to a random enemy 2 times.Uncommon
Doom And GloomAttack2Deal 10(14) damage to ALL enemies. Channel 1 Dark.Uncommon


RebootSkill0Shuffle all your cards into your draw pile, then draw 4(6) cards. Exhaust.Rare
StackSkill1Gain Block equal to the number of cards in your discard pile (+3).Common
RecursionSkill1(0)Evoke your next Orb. Channel the Orb that was just Evoked.Common
TempestSkillXChannel X(+1) Lightning. Exhaust.Uncommon
FusionSkill2(1)Channel 1 Plasma.Uncommon
ChaosSkill1Channel 1(2) random Orb(s).Uncommon
Beam CellAttack0Deal 3(4) damage and apply 1(2) Vulnerable.Common
Static DischargePower1Whenever you take attack damage, Channel 1(2) Lightning.Uncommon


Steam BarrierSkill0Gain 6(8) Block. Decrease this card’s Block by 1 this combat.Common
ReboundAttack1Deal 9(12) damage. Put the next card you play this turn on top of your draw pile.Common
AggregateSkill1Gain 1 Energy for every 6(5) cards in your draw pile.Uncommon
Thunder StrikeAttack3Deal 7(9) damage to a random enemy for each Lightning Channeled this combat.Rare

The Watcher Tier List

Slay The Spire Watcher Tier List

The Watcher is the newest character added to Slay the Spire. She is a monk that utilizes the effects of her different stances to her advantage.

She focuses on deck control via scrying and/or retaining and has a unique card generation ability. She starts with 72 HP and the Pure Water relic, which adds a Miracle to your hand at the start of each combat.


BlasphemySkill1(Retain.) Enter Divinity. Die next turn. Exhaust.Rare
Spirit ShieldSkill2Gain 3(4) Block for each card in your hand.Rare
Lesson LearnedAttack2Deal 10(12) damage. If this kills an enemy, Upgrade a random card in your deck. Exhaust.Rare
ForesightPower1At the start of your turn, Scry 3(4).Uncommon
VaultSkill3(2)Skip the next enemy turn. End your turn. Exhaust.Rare
Cut Through FateAttack1Deal 7(9) damage. Scry 2(3). Draw 1 card.Common
EstablishmentPower1(Innate.) Whenever a card is Retained, lower its cost by 1.Rare


ProtectSkill2Retain. Gain 12(16) Block.Common
RagnarokAttack3Deal 5(6) damage to a random enemy 5(6) times.Rare
ScrawlSkill1(0)Draw cards until your hand is full. Exhaust.Rare
Talk to the HandAttack1Deal 5(7) damage. Whenever you attack this enemy, gain 2(3) Block. Exhaust.Uncommon
TantrumAttack1Deal 3 damage 3(4) times. Enter Wrath. Shuffle this card into your draw pile.Uncommon
Windmill StrikeAttack2Retain. Deal 7(10) damage. Whenever this card is Retained, increase its damage by 4(5).Uncommon
ConcludeAttack1Deal 12(16) damage to ALL enemies. End your turn.Uncommon
Fear No EvilAttack1Deal 8(11) damage. If the enemy intends to Attack, enter Calm.Uncommon
Flurry of BlowsAttack0Deal 4(6) damage. On Stance change, returns from the Discard Pile into your hand.Common
Inner PeaceSkill1If you are in Calm, draw 3(4) cards, otherwise Enter Calm.Uncommon
MeditateSkill1Put 1(2) card(s) from your discard pile into your hand and Retain it. Enter Calm. End your turn.Uncommon
Sands of TimeAttack4Retain. Deal 20(26) damage. Whenever this card is Retained, lower its cost by 1.Uncommon
Deceive RealitySkill1Gain 4(7) Block. Add a Safety to your hand.Uncommon
DevotionPower1At the start of your turn, gain 2(3) Mantra.Rare
Empty MindSkill1Exit your Stance. Draw 2(3) cards.Uncommon
FastingPower2Gain 3(4) Strength. Gain 3(4) Dexterity. Gain 1 less Energy at the start of each turn.Uncommon
JudgementSkill1If the enemy has 30(40) or less HP, set their HP to 0.Rare
Like WaterPower1At the end of your turn, if you are in Calm, gain 5(7) Block.Uncommon
Mental FortressPower1Whenever you switch Stances, gain 4(6) Block.Uncommon
NirvanaPower1Whenever you Scry, gain 3(4) Block.Uncommon
Reach HeavenAttack2Deal 10(15) damage. Shuffle a Through Violence into your draw pile.Uncommon


TranquilitySkill1(0)Retain. Enter Calm. Exhaust.Common
WallopAttack2Deal 9(12) damage. Gain Block equal to unblocked damage dealt.Uncommon
Wheel KickAttack2Deal 15(20) damage. Draw 2 cards.Uncommon
Battle HymnPower1(Innate.) At the start of each turn add a Smite into your hand.Uncommon
ConsecrateAttack0Deal 5(8) damage to ALL enemies.Common
CrescendoSkill1(0)Retain. Enter Wrath. Exhaust.Common
Crush JointsAttack1Deal 8(11) damage. If the previous card played was a skill, apply 1(2) Vulnerable.Common
Deus Ex MachinaSkill Unplayable. When you draw this card, add 2(3) Miracles into your hand. Exhaust.Rare
Empty FistAttack1Deal 9(14) damage. Exit your Stance.Common
EvaluateSkill1Gain 6(10) Block. Shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.Common
Master RealityPower1(0)Whenever a card is created during combat, Upgrade it.Rare
Sash WhipAttack1Deal 8(10) damage. If the last card played this combat was an Attack, apply 1(2) Weak.Common
Simmering FurySkill1At the start of your next turn, enter Wrath and draw 2(3) cards.Uncommon
Third EyeSkill1Gain 7(9) Block. Scry 3(5).Common
WishSkill3Choose one: Gain 6(8) Plated Armor, 3(4) Strength, or 25(30) Gold. Exhaust.Rare
Bowling BashAttack1Deal 7(10) damage for each enemy in combat.Common
Flying SleevesAttack1Retain. Deal 4(6) damage twice.Common
HaltSkill0Gain 3(4) Block. Wrath: Gain 9(14) additional block.Common
OmniscienceSkill4(3)Choose a card in your draw pile. Play the chosen card twice and Exhaust it. Exhaust.Rare
ProstrateSkill0Gain 2(3) Mantra. Gain 4 Block.Common
StudyPower2(1)At the end of your turn, shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.Uncommon
SwivelSkill2Gain 8(11) Block. The next Attack you play costs 0.Uncommon
WeaveAttack0Deal 4(6) damage. Whenever you Scry and would discard this card, add it into your hand instead.Uncommon
Carve RealityAttack1Deal 6(10) damage. Add a Smite into your hand.Uncommon
Deva FormPower3Ethereal. At the start of your turn, gain Energy and increase this gain by 1.Rare


Empty BodySkill1Gain 7(10) Block. Exit your Stance.Common
EruptionAttack2(1)Deal 9 damage. Enter Wrath.Starter
RushdownPower1(0)Whenever you enter Wrath, draw 2 cards.Uncommon
SanctitySkill1Gain 6(9) Block. If the previous card played was a Skill, draw 2 cards.Uncommon
VigilanceSkill2Enter Calm. Gain 8(12) Block.Starter
BrillianceAttack1Deal 12(16) damage. Deals additional damage for all Mantra gained this combat.Rare
Follow-UpAttack1Deal 7(11) damage. If the previous card played was an Attack, gain Energy.Common
Just LuckyAttack0Scry 1(2). Gain 2(3) Block. Deal 3(4) damage.Common
Wave of the HandSkill1Whenever you gain Block this turn, apply 1(2) Weak to ALL enemies.Uncommon


WorshipSkill2(Retain). Gain 5 Mantra.Uncommon
Wreath of FlameSkill1Your next Attack deals 5(8) additional damage.Uncommon
CollectSkillXPut an Upgraded Miracle into your hand at the start of your next X(+1) turns. Exhaust.Uncommon
Conjure BladeSkillXShuffle an Expunger with X(+1) into your draw pile. Exhaust.Rare
Foreign InfluenceSkill0Choose 1 of 3 Attacks of any color to add to your hand. (It costs 0 this turn.) Exhaust.Uncommon
PraySkill Gain 3(4) Mantra. Shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.Uncommon
AlphaSkill1(Innate.) Shuffle a Beta into your draw pile. Exhaust.Rare
IndignationSkill1If you are in Wrath, apply 3(5) Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Otherwise, enter Wrath.Uncommon
PerseveranceSkill1Retain. Gain 5(7) Block. Whenever this card is Retained, increase its Block by 2(3).Uncommon
Pressure PointsSkill1Apply 8(11) Mark. ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Mark.Common


Signature MoveAttack2Can only be played if this is the only attack in your hand. Deal 30(40) damage.Uncommon
DefendSkill1Gain 5(8) Block.Starter
StrikeAttack1Deal 6(9) damage.Starter

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Samuel Stewart

Samuel is GamingScan's editor-in-chief. He describes himself as a dedicated gamer and programmer. He enjoys helping others discover the joys of gaming. Samuel closely follows the latest trends in the gaming industry in order to keep the visitors in the flow.

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