How To Uninstall GeForce Experience

Do you want to uninstall GeForce Experience, but you simply can't or don't know how to do it properly? Here's a simple guide to help you!

NVIDIA graphics cards are among the most popular and with a good reason: they are performance-oriented powerhouses designed to bring the greatest games to life. GeForce Experience, on the other hand, is universally seen as a cause of misery for the gamer’s favored ecosystem.

For all the in-depth graphics card tinkering GeForce Experience offers, we can all agree that it isn’t the most optimized utility out there by any stretch of the imagination.

Be it low frame rates, hogging precious CPU resources, a failed driver update, the unnecessary login hoop-jumping, or the variable results of the ‘’one-click game optimization’’ feature, there are many reasons to remove GeForce Experience.

As a word of warning, GeForce Experience does serve one important purpose: it ensures a GPU is running the latest version of the NVIDIA graphics drivers, maximizing performance, and lifespan. 

Removing GeForce Experience means you will need to manually update drivers by periodically visiting the NVIDIA website and downloading the latest drivers then installing them.

Here’s how to go about uninstalling GeForce Experience.

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Classic Uninstall

Uninstall Geforce Experience

If GeForce Experience works as intended and you are just seeking to remove it from your System, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Windows Start menu in the bottom left-hand corner.
  2. In the search field, type” Add or remove programs” and click on” Best Match” result of the same name.
  3. Navigate down the list of programs until you find an entry entitled” NVIDIA GeForce Experience XXXXX,” the” X” relating to the particular version or build currently installed on the machine, then click on it.
  4. An “Uninstall” option will appear below. Click on it to proceed.
  5. Follow the instructions provided by the uninstall wizard.

Remember to leave all other NVIDIA programs and services untouched as these are linked to drivers and can prevent the card from working at all.

Another method to trigger the uninstall is to:

  1. Click on the Windows Start menu, then” Settings.”
  2. Under” Settings,” click on” System,” and finally, “Apps & Features” from the left-hand vertical list.
  3. Select” NVIDIA GeForce Experience XXXX” from the list on the right-hand side, then click on” Uninstall” just below. Follow the installation wizard.

Failed Install/Uninstall Fix

How To Uninstall Geforce Experience

If you are suffering from a botched installation of GeForce Experience and have encountered the dreaded ”NVIDIA Uninstaller cannot continue” error message, here’s how to remove the utility and reinstall it.

  1. Click on ”My Computer” from the desktop.
  2. Navigate to ‘’C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationGeForce Experience’’.
  3. Delete the GeForce Experience folder.
  4. Visit the NVIDIA website and download the latest version of GeForce Experience here.
  5. Once downloaded, double click on the executable file and follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard.
Unistall Geforce Experience

Should the installation still fail to complete, follows these steps.

  1. Click on the Windows Start menu and in the search bar type ‘’msconfig.exe’’.
  2. Select the ‘’Best Match’’ option called ‘’System Configuration’’.
  3. In MSConfig, click on the tab called ‘’Services’’.
  4. Tick the ”Hide all Microsoft services” box at the bottom of the window.
  5. Below the list of services, click on ‘’Disable all’’.
  6. In the list, select and enable all NVIDIA services.
  7. Click on ”Apply,” then ‘’Restart Later’’.
  8. Follow the uninstall steps in ‘’Classic Uninstall’’ section above.
  9. Delete the GeForce Experience folder by navigating to Navigate to ‘’C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationGeForce Experience’’.
  10. Restart your PC.
  11. Download the latest version of GeForce Experience here.
  12. Follow the installation Wizard.

If the problem persists, you may need to enter Regedit and delete all Windows registry entries linked to GeForce Experience, which will effectively purge all traces of the program from the PC. Improperly editing the registry can severely affect the stability of Windows 10, so seek help from an experienced user before proceeding.

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Thomas Bardwell

The UK-based journalist and gamer, Thomas, describes himself as a man of few words with an unhealthy obsession for everything wonderful about the world of gaming. Thanks to his experience in the gaming industry, he brings a wealth of talent into GamingScan.

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