The 2016 reboot of Doom was quite a welcome change of pace in a gaming scene where most FPS games started focusing on realism or pseudo-realism, placing an emphasis on lifelike movement and genuine firearm handling.
In stark contrast to such games, Doom cared nothing for realism. It was swift, brutal, and unapologetic in its graphic depiction of gratuitous violence against demonic hordes.
A diverse arsenal of weapons, swift movement, double jumping, and g(l)ory kills are all part of what makes Doom 2016 such an exceptional game.
So, are there any titles like it?
Besides Doom Eternal, Doom offers a rather unique encounter. However, it draws strong inspiration from classic FPS games of the 90s and early 2000s, hence numerous similar games, both recent and older, might be unfamiliar to you.
Without further ado, here’s our selection of the best games similar to Doom!
Table of ContentsShow

Doom (1993)
Release date: December 10, 1993rnrnDeveloper: id Software
Well, you probably knew this one was going to be included on the list, so we might as well get it out of the way – the original Doom from 1993!
Seeing as Doom, along with Wolfenstein 3D, was among the first titles to define the FPS genre in the early 90s, you can expect a visually outdated and somewhat clunky, yet remarkably captivating game that is still enjoyable in 2025.
From a technical standpoint, Doom was quite a marvel back in the day. While its low-resolution textures and enemy sprites look very dated today, it’s fairly easy to appreciate them for their nostalgic retro aesthetic.
The game features a selection of weapons and enemies that you’re going to be familiar with if you’ve played Doom 2016, though understandably, there isn’t that much variety in either category – after all, this is a 1993 game.
Doom II (which is more like a standalone expansion than a sequel) adds an extra weapon and some more enemy types, so it’s definitely worth playing too. However, we feel that the original game ultimately has superior-designed levels that rely less on gimmicks and artificial difficulty.
But speaking of levels, keep in mind that you’re not limited only to the maps designed by Doom’s developers, as fresh levels and mods are being developed for Doom and Doom II even in 2025!
Moreover, if you’re interested in playing Doom or Doom II in 2025, we advise you to download a good Doom source port for free, as it’s bound to work better and provide a more pleasurable experience than the original game running in DOSBox.
On a final note, we should mention that you might also like Doom 3. However, that game became rather infamous among the fans due to shifting to a slower-paced, more terror-focused approach that is very different from both the original Doom and from the 2016 reboot.

Quake 4
Release date: October 18, 2005rnrnDeveloper: Raven Software
The Quake franchise was created in 1996, soon after Doom, and it was intended as a sort of spiritual successor to Doom. And sure enough, the resemblances were quickly apparent since the first game, though the series has experienced some significant shifts over the years, both from a plot and from a gameplay standpoint.
A total of six Quake games have been developed over the years, though the one we’ll be concentrating on here is Quake 4, a 2005 title, which is also the final solo-player focused Quake game to be released thus far.
It is a fair bit slower than the 2016 Doom, but the weapons arsenal is very familiar, and so are the primitive alien environments that characterize its levels. However, Quake 4 is a 100% sci-fi game, replacing demons with the biomechanical Strogg, who are less mystical but just as grotesque and savage.
Of course, if you like Quake 4, you should also try out the original Quake and Quake II. The initial game is more comparable to Doom, as its aesthetic is steeped in the occult, and it is only with Quake II that Quake got its own distinctive sci-fi look.
Apart from those three, the rest of the Quake franchise (Quake III: Arena, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and Quake Champions) are all multiplayer-focused and lack a single-player campaign.
If you want to give Arena a try, it is available as “Quake Live” on Steam. Quake Wars, however, is no longer playable as of January 2020. Still, it was a solid class and objective-based shooter with vehicles and asymmetrical teams, more comparable to Battlefield than to the traditional Quake multiplayer.
Regarding Quake Champions, it is the newest release in the series, and it is a contemporary take on the Quake multiplayer experience, complete with various “champions” who all possess unique abilities that aid in defining their playstyle.
In any case, we feel that Quake 4 is most likely to appeal to fans of Doom 2016, but the initial two games might also be worth exploring if you also like the original Doom and could appreciate the vintage aesthetic.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Release date: May 20, 2014rnrnDeveloper: MachineGames
As mentioned before, Wolfenstein 3D and Doom were the principal two games to define and popularize the FPS genre, and the Wolfenstein franchise has also evolved over the years.
When it comes to which of the Wolfenstein games are most comparable to Doom 2016, we’d have to go with Wolfenstein: The New Order, though its expansion and sequel (Old Blood and The New Colossus) are also a must-play if you end up liking The New Order.
In contrast to Doom 2016, The New Order is more narrative-driven, focusing on the post-WW2 era in an alternate reality where Germany had won the Second World War, so the main enemies are Nazi soldiers and various mechanical constructs that accompany them, rather than demons or biomechanical aliens.
The shooting is swift-paced, and there’s plenty of carnage, though we feel it’s not entirely on the level of Doom 2016.
Apart from those three, you might also like the iconic Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Moreover, the 2009 game, simply titled “Wolfenstein,” and the sequel to The New Colossus, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, might also be worth trying, though they aren’t completely on the same level.

Release date: November 18, 2010rnrnDeveloper: id Software
Rage is yet another creation of the studio that gave us Doom initially. Still, it is quite a departure from the company’s previous titles, as Rage features a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-esque setting that really stands out compared to the sci-fi and otherworldly themes that were predominant in id’s earlier titles such as Doom, Wolfenstein, and Quake.
Rage is primarily an FPS game, and while the combat isn’t as rapid as Doom and places a greater emphasis on the use of cover, as well as on ammo and supply management, it is still engaging and highly gratifying.
On top of that, Rage adds vehicular combat to the mix, and it is an expansive-world game, for better or worse.
All in all, Rage definitely feels like an id Software game, though the open-world approach, the aesthetic, and the RPG elements do make it feel more like Borderlands than Doom.
A sequel has been released in 2019, too, so if you enjoy the first Rage, you should probably give Rage 2 a try as well.

Half-Life 2
Release date: November 16, 2004rnrnDeveloper: Valve
When talking about classic FPS games, we can’t avoid mentioning Half-Life 2. This 2004 title was one of the best games Valve ever made (as well as one of the best games in history), as it featured all the main elements that made old-school FPS game special while also introducing new innovations that refined the existing formula, which is the key reason why it has the status of a timeless classic.
On the surface, Half-Life 2 plays a lot like Doom in that it features an arsenal of weapons and places a high emphasis on movement, but it was also famous for how it used the Gravity Gun to weaponize the Source engine’s physics.
With its seamless storytelling, even smoother combat, creative level design, and graphics that look good even in 2025, Half-Life 2 is simply a one-of-a-kind experience.
But as with the previous entries on the list, the Half-Life series is composed of many more games than just Half-Life. You can check out the full list here.
But in short, the episodic expansions for Half-Life 2 (Episodes One and Two) are vital. If you decide to give the original Half-Life a go (either the original GoldSrc or the newer Source version), then its two expansions (Opposing Force and Blue Shift) would also likely appeal to you.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Release date: March 21, 2001rnrnDeveloper: Croteam
Serious Sam: The First Encounter is a game that is closer to the original Doom than Doom 2016. It is renowned for its vast arenas and huge groups of enemies that can be defeated with many different guns. Also, the levels have various themes, which makes them unique and keeps the game interesting.
Many Serious Sam games have been released over the years, including an assortment of spin-off titles. However, the most significant main series releases are:
- Serious Sam: The First Encounter
- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Serious Sam 2
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass (to be released)
Naturally, the franchise has evolved over the years, although the essentials have ultimately remained the same. In any case, it’s one of those enduring games that won’t be for everyone but is certainly worth trying out.

Release date: April 12, 2004rnrnDeveloper: People Can Fly
Next, we have Painkiller, a 2004 game that was clearly inspired by Doom, Quake, and Serious Sam, as it combines very Doom and Quake-esque aesthetics and themes with the level design philosophy of Serious Sam, arming the player with a wide array of weapons and pitting them against massive enemy hordes in fairly large and open levels.
Again, much like Serious Sam, Painkiller’s levels showcase a variety of diverse locales that help keep the game fresh as it progresses. Painkiller has also received a total of five expansions over the years, though the game’s initial developers made only the first one.
You can see more details on each of the expansions here, but needless to say, there are countless hours of content to go through if you decide to give Painkiller a try.

Shadow Warrior
Release date: September 26, 2013rnrnDeveloper: Flying Wild Hogrnrn
The 2013 Shadow Warrior has a lot in common with the 2016 Doom. First of all, they are both contemporary reboots of classic ’90s shooters, and secondly, they are both filled to the brim with bloody fast-paced demon slaughter.
Shadow Warrior, however, is characterized by a more humorous tone, although it also tells a serious story that is simple yet effective in the context of the game. Moreover, Shadow Warrior features an east Asian aesthetic that works exceptionally well, and this is reflected in the level and the enemy design.
From a gameplay standpoint, the weapons present in Shadow Warrior are nothing too original, though they are all very satisfying when put to use. Most notably, this includes the Nobitsura Kage katana that can dynamically dismember enemies both in melee and at range.
Shadow Warrior has received a sequel in 2016 titled Shadow Warrior 2, which improves upon the foundation set by its predecessor in many ways. Mainly, it features more open levels and more extensive RPG elements, though the latter won’t really interest those who liked the first game mainly for its straightforward ripping and tearing.

Hard Reset
Release date: September 13, 2011rnrnDeveloper: Flying Wild Hog
Made by the same people behind the Shadow Warrior reboot, Hard Reset is another shooter following that traditional ’90s approach when it comes to level design and gameplay mechanics.
Drenched in a retro cyberpunk aesthetic, the environments of Hard Reset look quite good, if a bit bland and devoid of human presence, as all of the enemies encountered in the game are robots and cyborgs.
The player has only two weapons at their disposal – an assault rifle and a plasma rifle – but both of them have multiple firing modes, thus essentially providing the player with about ten diverse guns.
Overall, the combat is fairly gratifying, though crackling electricity and exploding metal aren’t quite as satisfying of a payoff as the bloody deaths of Shadow Warrior’s and Doom’s fleshier enemies are.
Ultimately, the story and the boss fights leave some things to be desired, but in the end, Hard Reset is still worth giving a shot.

Crysis 2
Release date: March 22, 2011rnrnDeveloper: Crytek
This is probably an unusual game to see on this list, but while Crysis 2 has a lot in common with modern military shooters, we feel that its level design and fast-paced action also make it similar to shooters that take a more old-school approach like Doom 2016.
While the original Crysis had more of a “high-tech commando” approach, emphasizing stealth, use of cover, and featuring expansive and open levels, Crysis 2 usually puts the player in the midst of the action and utilizes a more linear level design that also makes for more fierce combat encounters.
The signature nanosuit is quite adaptable, enabling great mobility but also providing the player with a lot of resilience and melee stopping power. Granted, stealth and cover still need to be utilized in most sections, but overall, we feel that Crysis 2 might be just the thing if you’re looking for fast-paced close-quarters combat.

Space Hulk: Deathwing
Release date: December 14, 2016rnrnDeveloper: Streum On Studiornrn
Perhaps another game that might feel a bit out of place on this list is Space Hulk: Deathwing. Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the game puts the player in the shoes of an elite Space Marine utilizing enormous Terminator armor as they advance through an deserted space hulk, purging all the Tyranid Genestealers along the way.
Now, Space Hulk: Deathwing isn’t a game that emphasizes swift movement, seeing as the player is essentially a walking tank in this one, it is simply bursting with gratuitous carnage and features a selection of recognizable WH40K weapons that are bound to impress both the enthusiasts of this universe and those who aren’t really acquainted with it.
Truth be told, Deathwing isn’t a groundbreaking game, and it has received mediocre reviews upon release. It’s nothing remarkable from a technical standpoint, and the single-player can get monotonous, but the developers also did some fixing and rebalancing with the 2018 Enhanced Edition.
So, all in all, we feel this might be an intriguing game to try out, though, at the end of the day, it feels more like a Space Marine simulator than a proper game that would be able to stand on its own two legs outside of WH40K.

Release date: Summer 2020rnrnDeveloper: Arsi u0022Hakitau0022 Patalarnrn
Ultrakill is currently in Early Access, and it was created by a single developer, which makes it all the more extraordinary. The game fully embraces the vintage aesthetic and places a heavy emphasis on player mobility, so much so that we felt the need to put the word “heavy” in bold italics.
Naturally, the game doesn’t look like much from a visual standpoint, but it is the gameplay that makes it stand out, as is often the case with indie games. Take the aforementioned mobility, combine it with some powerful guns, a Devil May Cry-like combo rating system, competent level design, and intense boss fights, and you end up with a very addictive game.
There are only three weapons in the game, although they all have different firing modes, and the game still feels very lively even with what seems like a somewhat limited arsenal. Moreover, it is fairly challenging and can be quite unforgiving, but we’ll refrain from making any “Dark Souls of” jokes.
All in all, Ultrakill is a very skillfully put-together game that places player skill above all else, so if it sounds like your cup of tea, go ahead and support the developer! You can get the game on the official site (linked above) by paying whatever amount you wish.

Release date: 2020rnrnDeveloper: Saibot Studiosrnrn
Hellbound is an upcoming single-player FPS game largely inspired by classic shooters such as Doom and Quake, and the influence is evident and obvious from the trailers and all the screenshots.
That being said, it’s evident that Hellbound adheres to the same philosophy and design as other conventional shooters, emphasizing mobility, situational awareness, and offering players a varied selection of weapons to dismantle infernal adversaries with.
Mix this with the plot and appearance of the game, and it’s very similar to other “Doom” games except for Doom. However, we don’t know how the final version will turn out.
At the moment, a complimentary demo, Hellbound: Survival Mode, is available on Steam, and it has received very positive reviews from players thus far, so we are hopeful that the final game will be just as superb.
And that would be our selection of the top games akin to Doom, but of course, there are many more games out there that might deserve a spot on this list.
We revisit this article now and then to make sure substantial additions are added, so make sure to check back again soon!