Best Monster Hunter: World Mods

Monster Hunter: World is fun and exciting, but do you know what makes the experience even better? Mods! Here's a list of the best Monster Hunter: World mods.

Ever since Monster Hunter: World released on PC, modders have been hard at work coming up with distinctive ways to innovate – and completely break – Capcom’s beloved creature slaying action RPG.

Just do a swift search of MHW mods online, and you’ll be rewarded with a seemingly limitless amount of options ranging from minor visual upgrades to a mod that turns Nergigante the Elder Dragon into Thomas the Tank Engine.

With so many options available for PC players to enhance their monster hunting experience, we thought we’d highlight some of the premier Monster Hunter: World mods for reducing grind, improving visuals, and just spicing things up.

We’ll be refreshing this list in the future with new mods, so make sure to check back.

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This initial one is a convenient quality of life improvement that removes some of the tedious work that comes with preparing for a hunt.

By default, MHW requires you to track and fight a monster a certain number of times before providing info regarding its elemental and body part vulnerabilities.

Once you unlock this info, you’re still forced to open up your Hunter’s Notes any time you want to reference a specific monster.

However, with the Monster Weakness Icon Indicator mod, you can see what weapon you’ll need right within the quest selection screen.

The SmartHunter mod creates an overlay that reveals a monster’s health, including each body part, along with a gauge that shows you how close it is to become enraged.

This overlay also allows you to keep track of how much damage each member of your team has dealt, making it simpler to figure out which one of your companions isn’t pulling their weight during a challenging fight.

Additionally, each widget can be dragged to any spot on the screen and customized with diverse skins.

The only shortcoming with this modification is that damage to monster parts and the accumulation of status effects are only precise for the main player.

While most of us are bound to spend hours upon hours perfecting our hunter’s appearance with MHW’s character creator, over time you may grow weary of their look.

In a game where you’re constantly watching your character, it’s always enjoyable to have the option to spice up their look whenever you want.

The Appearance Editor mod lets you modify your character’s appearance just like you would at the start of the game, including hair, facial characteristics, and voice type.

It also works for updating your Palico’s appearance, ensuring you and your companion never look obsolete.

If you’re a Monster Hunter player, then chances are you’ve had to make some very dubious fashion choices with your character to get certain skills or embellishment slots.

With the World of Transmog mod, you’ll have total control over the appearance of your hunter’s armor without losing any special skills or slots.

The mod allows you to exchange your current armor or weapon skin in favor of another while retaining the characteristics of whatever you have equipped.

It doesn’t work with every item in the game, and you’ll have to extract the armor and weapon files yourself; however, there are several tutorials to guide you through the straightforward process.

As enjoyable as Monster Hunter is, there are a couple of areas that could benefit from an enhancement, such as the placement of crucial NPCs.

It can feel tedious to have to constantly travel from one point to trade in a bounty than to another to craft a weapon, then a third to check out what the Argosy has to offer.

The Extra NPCs in Astera Gathering Hub mod streamlines the entire procedure by taking crucial vendors and NPCs you interact with regularly and relocating them to the Gathering Hub.

It works with the following NPCs: Smithy, Resource Center, Botanist, Tailraider Safari, Argosy Captain, Elder Melder, and Investigator.

You may have noticed that World doesn’t always do its stunning environments justice due to the bleaching effect caused by the game’s engine.

This causes colors to appear subdued and textures to look less sharp.

However, with the Clear Hunter mod that all becomes a thing of the past as colors now pop and textures have much more clarity than before.

While the change isn’t as evident as night and day, it’s noticeable enough to consider installing.

One of the things that starts to gnaw away at your morale the more you play MHW is how exorbitant the cost for certain items or upgrades can be.

The most flagrant examples are armor upgrades, which rise exponentially the rarer the armorsphere you’re trying to use.

This can make the game feel very repetitive at times and often prevent you from progressing in the story.

To reduce the overall grind and ensure you can afford anything you need, we recommend installing the 1 Zenny Shop mod, which reduces the price of most wares to a single zenny.

Hunting monsters is no easy task: you’re always paying attention to incoming attacks while also dealing damage and being aware of your environment.

When you do manage to break off that monster part you’ve been desperately hacking away at for the last 30 minutes or so, the last thing you want is to lose sight of it.

With the Souvenir’s Light Pillar mod, you won’t ever have to worry about missing out on any dropped items since it places a beam of light over them, making them much easier to track.

The impact only operates on things in a particular area, so you don’t need to worry about your screen becoming excessively messy.

If you plan on using multiple mods, there’s a good chance some of them may clash with one another and might end up disrupting your game.

To avoid that, we recommend installing a mod manager.

This MHW Mod Manager is a lot easier to use than other mod managers you’ll find online and makes it more straightforward to organize and uninstall existing mods.

Less time searching through directories means more time battling monsters.

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Justin Fernandez

As a fan of both indie and triple-A games, Justin finds joy in discovering and sharing hidden gems with other passionate gamers. In addition to reporting on the latest and greatest titles, he manages GamingScan’s social media channels.

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