With over 600 heroes available, making your dream team in Valkyrie Connect can be a daunting task.
To help players with this, we’ve made a list that ranks the essential heroes in the game from best to worst. This list has PvP content in mind, as high-level play in Valkyrie Connect tends to revolve around it.
If you see your favorite unit in the lower tiers, don’t fret. This does not mean that they’re weak. Every hero in the game can be useful. However, since only the best heroes for PvP are included in this list, great heroes can be easily outclassed by the truly OP ones.
Now with all that out of the way, let’s dive right in.
Note: Due to the sheer volume of heroes available, only the viable units will be listed here. Heroes that are excluded from this list can be considered lower than F-tier in terms of PvP.
Table of ContentsShow
The best heroes in the game. Excellent stats, utility, and synergy with any team make them coveted units in the game.
Hero | Type | Element |
Dragon Girl Nuut | Melee | Fire |
Awakened Shalltear Bloodfallen | Melee | Light |
Omnicatalyst Sortishia | Magic | Other |
Catalyst Sortishia | Magic | Light |
Vindicator Seraphiel | Magic | Light |
Catalyst Alfana | Magic | Light |
Holy Night Sortishia | Magic | |
Vindicator Managarm | Ranged | Other |
Sloth Scion Velfell | Ranged | Earth |
Excellent heroes that lack just a little bit of utility to match with S-tiers.
Hero | Type | Element |
Bird God Xingfu | Melee | Fire |
Infected Sif | Melee | Dark |
Vindicator Fotma | Melee | Earth |
Vindicator Borr | Magic | Light |
Titan-Attacking Dielle | Magic | Other |
Wave Daughter Bylgja | Magic | Other |
Star Saint Noa | Magic | Other |
Awakened Narberal | Magic | Light |
Vindicator Gefion | Magic | Dark |
Awakened Esquire | Ranged | Light |
Catalyst Verosa | Ranged | Fire |
Awakened Levi | Ranged | Light |
Terrible Tornado | Ranged | Earth |
Awakened Vampire Lord Evileye | Ranged | Fire |
These are good heroes who have a few flaws hindering them. They still have the potential to wreck any opposing team – as long as they’re given enough investment and proper setup.
Hero | Type | Element |
Creation God Izanagi | Melee | Light |
Tortoise God Guangmei | Melee | Earth |
Vindicator Valtus | Melee | Light |
Red God Frey | Melee | Fire |
Vindicator Thrym | Melee | Fire |
Albedo | Melee | |
Omnipotent Vili | Magic | Other |
Catalyst Elineige | Magic | Water |
Shrine Girl Kanna | Magic | |
Jolly Caroler Miku | Magic | Dark |
Sunlight God Sol | Magic | Light |
Catalyst Vili | Magic | Light |
Awakened Mavis Vermillion | Ranged | Light |
Time Knight Chrossy | Ranged | Other |
Summer Scion Frigg | Ranged | Light |
Vindicator Hrimthurs | Ranged | Water |
Catalyst Melveryn | Ranged | Dark |
Mad Pumpkin Mogthrasir | Ranged | Dark |
Average heroes that don’t stand out but are still very effective in battle.
Hero | Type | Element |
Catalyst Bergelmir | Melee | Earth |
Awakened Roveria | Melee | Water |
Judging God Forseti | Melee | Light |
Catalyst Sanngrid | Melee | Dark |
Imperial Knight Viola | Melee | Light |
Deceased God Izanami | Magic | Dark |
Awakened Valkyrie Miku | Magic | Earth |
Awakened Bewitching CS Mage Lucy | Magic | Water |
Fairy Cenia | Magic | Earth |
Star God Kaworu | Magic | Dark |
Catalyst Morphea | Ranged | Other |
Mistletoe Wielder Mistel | Ranged | Earth |
Sun God Asuka | Ranged | Fire |
Awakened Lustful Succubus Albedo | Ranged | Dark |
Dark Beast Tamer Luce | Ranged | Dark |
Valkyrie Herja | Ranged | Dark |
Raindropper Paso | Ranged | Water |
These heroes can be considered barely viable for PvP content. Use them only if you have no other choice for a particular slot.
Hero | Type | Element |
Erza Scarlet | Melee | Fire |
Vindicator Celestia | Melee | Light |
Prison Empress Avencia | Melee | Dark |
Saitama | Melee | Light |
Awakened Ulin | Melee | Water |
Valkyrie Rota | Magic | Water |
Evileye | Magic | Dark |
Spirit Master Gaia | Magic | Light |
Gatherer Aludra | Magic | Fire |
Sunny Summer Noa | Ranged | Other |
Acrobat Kururu | Ranged | Water |
Dark Star Helblindi | Ranged | Dark |
Pirate Lorone | Ranged | Other |
Boar God Kubira | Ranged | Earth |
Musician Musika | Ranged | Water |
Dual Horn Raspi | Ranged | Dark |