Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, or FFBE, is the product of a highly successful collaboration between developer Alim and publisher Square Enix.
The merge of both parties is evident as soon as you boot up the game. Its world, lore and character design are clearly inspired by Final Fantasy’s RPG tropes.
The gameplay, on the other hand, stems from Brave Frontier‘s (Alim’s first game) well-balanced gacha mechanics.
The partnership resulted in a fantastic RPG with a good story, interesting exploration mechanics, and the ever-addictive rush of collecting iconic units to aid you in your journey.
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The Benefits Of A Tier List
You’ll likely obtain upwards of a hundred units throughout your playthrough in FFBE, and it will be a chore to prioritize who to raise.
To aid you in this task, we’ve ranked all units in the game according to how useful and strong they’ll be in the long run.
This list should not be taken as a limiting document that dictates which units you should or should not use. It’s rather meant to give you a glimpse of how these different units stack up against the rest of the cast. You’ll be able to plan more effectively in which characters you’ll invest time and resources for the end game.
Note: Since we’re preparing for the end-game content, only units that can max at a 7-star rating will be included in this list. There’s a big gap between 6 and 7-star units in Brave Exvius, so the best units are composed mostly of 7-stars.
These are characters that you want to grow and keep as soon as you get them. Their stats don’t cap quickly, so you’ll get much use out of them for a longer time.
They also have the best skills in the game that are well-placed within their chaining family.
Name | Role | Chain Family |
Paladin Cecil | Debuffer, Support | Stardust Ray |
Lightning (FF XIII-2) | Magical Tank, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Rena | Healer, Magical Attacker | |
Alphonse Elric | Physical Tank | Stardust Ray |
Angel of Death Kuja | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened Mystic Cross |
Sacred Shield Charlotte | Physical Attacker, Support | Disorder Absolute Zero Aureole Ray |
Seeker of Freedom Vaan | Debuffer, Physical Attacker | Aureole Ray |
Warrior of Dawn Galuf | Physical Attacker, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Hallowed Aegis Charlotte | Physical Tank, Magical Tank | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Lucas | Magical Tank, Healer | Divine Ruination Absolute Zero |
Lunafreya | Support | Flood |
Awakened Warrior of Light | Physical Tank, Support | Divine Ruination Stardust Ray |
Healing Avatar Lid | Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
White Knight Noel | Magical Attacker, Physical Tank | Tornado Freeze Absolute Zero Chaos Wave Awakened |
Nichol of the Epsilon Star | Support, Debuffer | Aureole Ray Flood |
Rikku (FF X-2) | Debuffer, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Warrior of Light Lenna | Healer, Support |
These units are still very powerful for the current meta. You’ll still be able to clear later content in the game with them.
Although they’re not as good as their S-tier counterparts, their versatility earns them a spot on your roster.
Name | Role | Chain Family |
A.I. Katty | Versatile | Stardust Ray Chaos Wave Bolting Strike Tornado Quake Flood Freeze |
Doctor Aiden | Healer, Physical Tank | |
Emperor Foo | Support, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened Avalanche Kick |
Daughter of Destiny Vanille | Debuffer, Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened Quake |
Benevolent Beauty Rem | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened Bolting Strike Tornado Freeze |
Elephim | Debuffer, Support | |
Ignis | Healer, Support | |
Kryla | Debuffer | Absolute Zero Bolting Strike Chaos Wave |
Folka | Healer, Support | |
Myra | Healer, Support | Bolting Strike |
Qin | Magical Attacker, Support | Chaos Wav Octoslash Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Aureole Ray |
Regis | Physical Attacker, Support | Aureole Ray Stardust Ray |
Sakura & Ayaka | Healer, Magical Attacker | Bolting Strike |
Sylvie | Support, Debuffer | Bolting Strike Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Wildcard Ace | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Bolting Strike Chaos Wave Awakened |
Sweet Luka | Support, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Chaos Wave |
Summer Fina & Lid | Debuffer, Healer | Aureole Ray |
Sieghard | Physical Tank, Debuffer | Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity Piledriver Stardust Ray |
Yuraisha | Support | Quake |
Zenaida | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Umbral Dragon Dark Fina | Magical Attacker | Bolting Strike Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened |
Adventurer Locke | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray |
2B | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray Graviton Cannon |
Aerith | Healer, Support | |
Chow | Magical Tank, Healer | |
Dancing Heart Penelo | Magical Tank, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened Aureole Ray |
Flame of Rebirth Jake | Physical Attacker | |
Garland (FF IX) | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Kitone | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Maritime Strategist Nichol | Support, Magical Attacker | Flood |
Noel | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Olberic | Physical Attacker, Physical Tank | Aureole Ray |
Sieghard & Ignacio | Physical Attacker, Physical Tank | |
Rico Rodriguez | Physical Attacker | Octaslash Bolting Strike Avalanche Kick |
War Hero Raegen | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Sylvando | Support, Physical Attacker | Bolting Strike |
Sterne Leonis | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
These are good units to raise, in particular for their utility in fights. They shine especially when used in conjunction with other high-tier units.
Name | Role | Chain Family |
Auron | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Blue Mage Fina | Healer, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Awakened Rain | Magical Tank, Support | |
Edward Elric | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray |
Elena | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Bolting Strike Aureole Ray Stardust Ray Disorder |
Four Winds Physalis | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Gilgamesh (WOTV) | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Kimono Fina | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Aureole Ray |
Lezard Valeth | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Lilith | Physical Tank, Magical Tank | Divine Ruination Kingsglaive Aureole Ray Bolting Strike |
Lone Lion Squall | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray Bolting Strike |
Machina | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Mercenary Ramza | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | |
Seifer | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Chaos Wave Awakened Bolting Strike |
Mont Leonis | Physical Tank | Stardust Ray |
Mystical Ice Laswell | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Neverending Hope | Support, Debuffer | Quake Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Selphie | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened Mystic Cross |
Serah | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Serena | Healer, Support | |
Sol | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Absolute Zero |
Tifa (FF VII: AC) | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray |
Strange Gourmand Quina | Magical Attacker, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity Chaos Wave |
Xuan Wu & Qing Long | Physical Attacker, Physical Tank | Bolting Strike Avalanche Kick |
Adam Jensen | Physical Attacker, Support | Stardust Ray Aureole Ray Tornado |
Beryl | Magical Attacker, Magical Tank | Octaslash Bolting Strike Disorder Chaos Wave |
Basch | Physical Tank, Magical Tank | |
Beowulf | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Octaslash Tornado |
Dark Spirit Sol | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Absolute Zero |
Demon Rain | Physical Tank, Support | |
Kimahri | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | |
Infernal Fire Rain | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray |
King Bradley | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Ruination |
Madam Edel | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray Aureole Ray |
Lilisette | Physical Attacker, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Loren | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Blade Prison Onion Slice Aureole Ray |
Mystina | Magical Attacker Support | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Rakish Thief Zidane | Physical Attacker | Aureole Ray Stardust Ray |
Quistis | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Rivera | Support, Healer | Absolute Zero Bolting Strike Disorder |
Seaside Nichol | Magical Attacker, Support | Flood Freeze Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Untamed Wolf Edel | Physical Attacker | Aureole Ray Stardust Ray |
Supreme Deva Akstar | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray |
White Mage Rosa | Physical Attacker, Healer | Graviton Cannon |
Wilhelm | Physical Tank, Support | |
Yuna | Healer, Support | |
Zeno of the Beta Star | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination Aureole Ray Bolting Strike |
These are your “budget” units. Easy to acquire and easy to maintain. With the game’s current setup, you could do far better, especially if you’re thinking of the end game.
You can use these units in the early to mid-game but drop them right away when better ones come along.
Name | Role | Chain Family |
Ayaka | Healer, Support | |
Beatrix | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Awakened Onion Knight | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Onion Slice Stardust Ray Aureole Ray |
Crimson | Physical Attacker, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity Divine Ruination |
Cloud (FF VII: AC) | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Octaslash |
Blue Sky Belle Fran | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Bolting Strike Aureole Ray |
Elly | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened Chaos Wave |
Erik | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Bolting Strike |
Dragon Knight Freya | Physical Attacker, Healer | Divine Ruination Absolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray Aureole Ray |
Kadaj | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Irvine | Physical Attacker | Bolting Strike |
Graceful Champion Fang | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
King Edgar of Figaro | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Aureole Ray Fatal Barrage |
Morgana | Magical Attacker | Absolute Zero Chaos Wave Disorder Bolting Strike |
Nagi | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Divine Ruination Graviton Cannon Aureole Ray Bolting Strike Absolute Zero |
Primrose | Support | Chaos Wave |
Reberta | Physical Attacker | Divine Ruination Bolting Strike Aureole Ray |
Knight of Pluto Zidane | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray Bolting Strike |
Levinson | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Divine Ruination Chaos Wave Awakened Aureole Ray Bolting Strike |
Tifa | Physical Attacker | Divine Ruination |
Star Player Tidus | Physical Attacker, Support | Quick Hit Stardust Ray |
Yunalesca | Magical Attacker, Support | Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened |
Zargabaath | Support | Octaslash |
Agent Olive | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Bolting Strike |
Ardyn | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray Tornado |
Wizardess Shantotto | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened |
White Lily Dark Fina | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Chaos Wave Awakened Graviton Cannon |
Assassin Shadow | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Stardust Ray |
Black Mage Vivi | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened |
Bart | Physical Attacker, Support | Kingsglaive Tornado Flood Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Aurora Fryevia | Physical Attacker, Magical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Onion Slice Aureole Ray Divine Ruination Disorder |
These units are below average and won’t last long in your rotation. There are simply more units that can play the same role better.
Name | Role | Chain Family |
Eiko | Healer, Support | |
Fina & Dark Fina | Magical Attacker, Healer | Graviton Cannon Stardust Ray |
Esther | Physical Attacker, Physical Tank | Bolting Strike Divine Ruination Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray |
Flammie | Physical Attacker, Support | Aureole Ray |
Gladiolus | Physical Tank, Physical Attacker | |
Jasper Unbound | Physical Attacker | Stardust Ray |
Jecht | Physical Attacker | Divine Ruination Quick Hit |
Kurasame | Physical Attacker, Magic Attacker | Quick Hit Absolute Mirror of Equity Disorder Aureole Ray |
Hess King Lasswell | Physical Attacker, Support | Absolute Mirror of Equity Aureole Ray Divine Ruination |
Lovely Katy | Healer | Chaos Wave |
Palom & Porom | Magical Attacker | Chaos Wave Awakened Tornado Quake |
Operative Zyrus | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Zero Bolting Strike Chaos Wave Awakened |
Prompto | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Disorder Octaslash Running Fire+ |
Physalis | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity Stardust Ray |
Radiant Lightning | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Bolting Strike Aureole Ray Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Rab | Magical Attacker, Physical Attacker | Bolting Strike Stardust Ray |
Rem | Magical Attacker, Healer | Tornado Quake |
Sweet Nichol | Magical Attacker, Debuffer | Chaos Wave Awakened Freeze Flood |
Warrior of Light Bartz | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity Graviton Cannon |
Yun | Physical Attacker | Octaslash Absolute Mirror of Equity Kingsglaive Bolting Strike |
Yego | Physical Attacker, Debuffer | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Yuna (FF X-2) | Physical Attacker | Absolute Mirror of Equity |
Some units in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius are not included in this list simply because they are significantly weaker than the others.
If a specific unit does not appear on this tier list, it’s safe to assume that it would have poor stat growth and weak utility for use in the end game.