It can be daunting to sift through Fire Emblem Heroes’ roster of over 500 heroes, but the appeal of an already unique gacha-strategy game is good a reason enough.
FEH, as it’s widely known, borrows heavily from the gacha formula.
You basically collect units (called heroes) to deploy in turn-based, grid-based strategic battles. Being a Fire Emblem game, it also has it’s own unique main story, with dozens of side quests and limited-time events peppered throughout the campaign.
Not every hero is created equal in FEH, which means that a ranking of heroes is worth using as a guide to building the ultimate team for the end game content.
You can see in the following sections the tier list, as well as explanations on how it was made.
Table of ContentsShow
The Tier List
There are a few things you need to know before diving into the tier list:
- Hero rarity (i.e. 3-star, 4-star, 5-star) isn’t important in FEH because you can level a 3-star hero up to 5-star anyway.
- The franchise’s iconic weapon triangle system manifests itself in FEH through weapon colors:
Unit Color | Strong Against | Weak Against |
Red | Green | Blue |
Blue | Red | Green |
Green | Blue | Red |
Some heroes wield colorless weapons that exist outside the weapon triangle. Instead, they can have special stats or effects applied to them.
- The hero’s movement type also factors a great deal in battle as it dictates how mobile it will be on different maps. There are also colorless weapons that are strong against flying or cavalry units, for instance. A column containing the hero’s movement type is added to the list as well.
With that out of the way, let’s go ahead and see what the best heroes to raise in the game are.
The best heroes in the game. They are absolute beasts in most circumstances, especially if they’ve been leveled-up consistently.
Hero | Weapon Color | Movement Type |
Reginn | Red | Cavalry |
Winter Altina | Red | Infantry |
Valentine’s Lif | Red | Cavalry |
Legendary Lilina | Red | Cavalry |
Legendary Sigurd | Red | Cavalry |
Pirate Surtr | Blue | Armored |
Brave Eirika | Blue | Cavalry |
Legendary Chrom | Blue | Infantry |
Brave Hector | Blue | Armored |
Nótt | Blue | Infantry |
Brave Ike | Green | Infantry |
Brave Edelgard | Green | Armored |
New Year Peony | Green | Flying |
Dagr | Green | Infantry |
Valentine’s Gustav | Green | Armored |
Legendary Claude | Colorless | Flying |
Summer Freyja | Colorless | Cavalry |
Spring Myrrh | Colorless | Flying |
Fallen Edelgard | Colorless | Armored |
Ninja Lyn | Colorless | Flying |
These are great heroes that could carry you to the end game chapters just fine. They’re not as overpowered as S-Tiers but they’re still part of the upper echelons of heroes in the game.
Hero | Weapon Color | Movement Type |
Fallen Ike | Red | Infantry |
Summer Byleth (Female) | Red | Flying |
Masquerade Sigurd | Red | Cavalry |
Selena (Sacred Stones) | Blue | Cavalry |
Legendary Azura | Blue | Flying |
Peony | Blue | Flying |
Legendary Dimitri | Blue | Infantry |
Winter Bernadetta | Green | Cavalry |
Bridal Catria | Green | Flying |
Brave Gatekeeper | Green | Infantry |
Flayn | Colorless | Flying |
Brave Marianne | Colorless | Infantry |
Valentine Faye | Colorless | Armored |
Sara | Colorless | Infantry |
Veronica | Colorless | Cavalry |
These are good heroes that would suffice through most of the game. You’ll need to augment them with better heroes to dominate the different events and difficult content though, so keep that in mind.
Hero | Weapon Color | Movement Type |
Hoshidan Summer Micaiah | Red | Infantry |
Duo Eirika | Red | Infantry |
Kris (Male) | Red | Infantry |
Larcei | Red | Infantry |
Ryoma | Red | Infantry |
Fallen Julia | Red | Infantry |
Mareeta | Red | Infantry |
Byleth (Female) | Red | Infantry |
Byleth (Male) | Red | Infantry |
Lysithea | Red | Infantry |
Brave Marth | Red | Infantry |
Summer Freyr | Red | Cavalry |
Spring Severa | Red | Cavalry |
Arden | Red | Armored |
Black Knight | Red | Armored |
Young Caeda | Red | Flying |
Pirate Naesala | Red | Flying |
Altina | Red | Flying |
Valentian Palla | Red | Flying |
Soiree Ishtar | Red | Flying |
Micaiah | Blue | Infantry |
Marianne | Blue | Infantry |
Ullr | Blue | Infantry |
Kris (Female) | Blue | Infantry |
Legendary Julia | Blue | Infantry |
Duo Ephraim | Blue | Infantry |
Fallen Corrin (Male) | Blue | Infantry |
Guinevere | Blue | Infantry |
Reinhardt | Blue | Cavalry |
Masquerade Aldigan | Blue | Flying |
Summer Ingrid | Blue | Flying |
Ninja Hana | Green | Infantry |
Bridal Nailah | Green | Infantry |
Thrasir | Green | Infantry |
Legendary Celica | Green | Infantry |
Fallen Lyon | Green | Infantry |
Young Merric | Green | Infantry |
Summer Caeda | Green | Cavalry |
Freyja | Green | Cavalry |
Surtr | Green | Armored |
Nagi | Green | Armored |
Fallen Morgan (Female) | Green | Flying |
Halloween Robin (Female) | Green | Flying |
Ashera | Colorless | Infantry |
Legendary Corrin (Female) | Colorless | Infantry |
Fallen Corrin (Female) | Colorless | Infantry |
Mila | Colorless | Infantry |
Shinon | Colorless | Infantry |
Legendary Micaiah | Colorless | Infantry |
Harmonized Mia | Colorless | Cavalry |
Summer Leonie | Colorless | Cavalry |
Summer Hilda | Colorless | Flying |
Bridal Fjorm | Colorless | Flying |
Pirate Tibarn | Colorless | Flying |
Average heroes that you’d have a hard time with clearing the end game content with. You’ll clear a significant portion of the game with them, but it’s ideal to swap them out for better units as soon as possible.
Hero | Weapon Color | Movement Type |
Karla | Red | Infantry |
Brave Lysithea | Red | Infantry |
Say’ri | Red | Infantry |
Fallen Morgan (Male) | Red | Infantry |
Valentine’s Henriette | Red | Armored |
Spring Idunn | Red | Armored |
Zelgius | Red | Armored |
Plegian Dorothea | Red | Flying |
Tibarn | Red | Flying |
Legendary Ryoma | Red | Flying |
Plumeria | Red | Flying |
Laegjarn | Red | Flying |
Mirabilis | Red | Flying |
New Year Alfonse | Blue | Infantry |
Seiros | Blue | Infantry |
Brave Dimitri | Blue | Infantry |
Fallen Dimitri | Blue | Infantry |
Brave Lucina | Blue | Infantry |
Ingrid | Blue | Cavalry |
Zeke | Blue | Cavalry |
Nifl | Blue | Cavalry |
Duessel | Blue | Cavalry |
Halloween Tiki | Blue | Flying |
Young Tana | Blue | Flying |
Duo Palla | Blue | Flying |
Scion Larcei | Green | Infantry |
Valentine’s Alm | Green | Infantry |
Legendary Byleth (Male) | Green | Infantry |
Charlotte | Green | Infantry |
Pent | Green | Infantry |
Shamir | Green | Infantry |
Pirate Veronica | Green | Cavalry |
Dedue | Green | Armored |
Winter Sothis | Green | Armored |
Legendary Edelgard | Green | Armored |
Hel | Green | Flying |
Ninja Laevatein | Green | Flying |
Triandra | Green | Flying |
Pirate Hinoka | Green | Flying |
Jill | Green | Flying |
Soiree Reinhardt | Green | Flying |
Young Innes | Colorless | Infantry |
Leila | Colorless | Infantry |
Bramimond | Colorless | Infantry |
Legendary Alm | Colorless | Infantry |
Scion Leif | Colorless | Cavalry |
Bernadetta | Colorless | Cavalry |
Maribelle | Colorless | Cavalry |
Fallen Tiki (Young) | Colorless | Armored |
Bridal Micaiah | Colorless | Flying |
Brave Camilla | Colorless | Flying |
Pirate Tibarn | Colorless | Flying |
Brave Claude | Colorless | Flying |
Heroes in this tier are less likely to have success in different facets of the game compared to those higher in the ranks. Their base stats won’t cut it for the end game, and their abilities simply peak too early. Consider using them only if you have no other option.
Hero | Weapon Color | Movement Type |
Rutger | Red | Infantry |
Garon | Red | Infantry |
Itsuki | Red | Infantry |
Bridal Oboro | Red | Infantry |
Bantu | Red | Infantry |
Astram | Red | Infantry |
Hubert | Red | Infantry |
New Year Anna | Red | Infantry |
Ewan | Red | Infantry |
Eyvel | Red | Infantry |
Sanaki | Red | Infantry |
Eirika | Red | Infantry |
Henry | Red | Infantry |
Selena (Fates) | Red | Infantry |
Athena | Red | Infantry |
Masked Marth | Red | Infantry |
Marisa | Red | Infantry |
Saber | Red | Infantry |
Ayra | Red | Infantry |
Soleil | Red | Infantry |
Summer Lilina | Red | Cavalry |
Sigurd | Red | Cavalry |
Zephiel | Red | Armored |
Draug | Red | Armored |
Winter Tharja | Red | Armored |
Spring Palla | Red | Flying |
Olivia | Red | Flying |
Fallen Ashnard | Red | Flying |
New Year Eir | Red | Flying |
Mordecai | Blue | Infantry |
Hoshidan Summer Ryoma | Blue | Infantry |
Ephraim | Blue | Infantry |
Mae | Blue | Infantry |
Nowi | Blue | Infantry |
Donnel | Blue | Infantry |
Delthea | Blue | Infantry |
Nephenee | Blue | Infantry |
Performing Shigure | Blue | Infantry |
Selkie | Blue | Cavalry |
Panne | Blue | Cavalry |
Death Knight | Blue | Cavalry |
Olwen | Blue | Cavalry |
Ursula | Blue | Cavalry |
Summer Cordelia | Blue | Cavalry |
Clive | Blue | Cavalry |
Picnic Lukas | Blue | Armored |
Kjelle | Blue | Armored |
Valbar | Blue | Armored |
Effie | Blue | Armored |
Winter Robin | Blue | Armored |
Naesala | Blue | Flying |
Lilith | Blue | Flying |
Petra | Blue | Flying |
Est | Blue | Flying |
Catria | Blue | Flying |
Lugh | Green | Infantry |
Summer Ylgr | Green | Infantry |
Helbindi | Green | Infantry |
Libra | Green | Infantry |
Rinkah | Green | Infantry |
Ross | Green | Infantry |
Echidna | Green | Infantry |
Arthur | Green | Infantry |
Summer Elise | Green | Infantry |
Dorcas | Green | Infantry |
Rhajat | Green | Infantry |
Performing Inigo | Green | Infantry |
Ranulf | Green | Cavalry |
Summer Wolt | Green | Cavalry |
Rath | Green | Cavalry |
Halloween L’Arachel | Green | Cavalry |
Python | Green | Cavalry |
Gunnthrá | Green | Cavalry |
Valentine’s Greil | Green | Armored |
Halloween Dorcas | Green | Armored |
Winter Fae | Green | Armored |
Flame Emperor | Green | Armored |
Sheena | Green | Armored |
Hector | Green | Armored |
Winter Lissa | Green | Armored |
Winter Chrom | Green | Armored |
Halloween Henry | Green | Armored |
Camilla | Green | Flying |
New Year Azura | Green | Flying |
Hostile Springs Hinoka | Green | Flying |
New Year Fjorm | Green | Flying |
Brady | Colorless | Infantry |
Nina | Colorless | Infantry |
Jamke | Colorless | Infantry |
Mikoto | Colorless | Infantry |
Emmeryn | Colorless | Infantry |
Mercedes | Colorless | Infantry |
Klein | Colorless | Infantry |
Bridal Lyn | Colorless | Infantry |
Clarisse | Colorless | Infantry |
Takumi | Colorless | Infantry |
Matthew | Colorless | Infantry |
Kaze | Colorless | Infantry |
Summer Noire | Colorless | Infantry |
Spring Bruno | Colorless | Cavalry |
Bridal Louise | Colorless | Cavalry |
Valentine Silque | Colorless | Cavalry |
Roy | Colorless | Cavalry |
Hostile Springs Camilla | Colorless | Flying |
Summer Takumi | Colorless | Flying |
Hinoka | Colorless | Flying |
All other heroes not included in the rankings above can be considered as F-tier or very poor heroes to raise. It’s best to avoid these units because the resources and time you consume won’t get rewarded at all.
With a roster of more than 500 characters, there will be a lot that won’t provide any value to you in the long run.
Hopefully, this list has helped narrow down those that you should keep and raise to assemble the best team that you can manage.