Not all units are made equal in Brave Frontier. Here is the ultimate Brave Frontier tier list, that we keep up-to-date to ensure perfect accuracy.
Since its release in 2013, Brave Frontier has always been about maximizing your party to become the best summoner you can be.
With thousands of units to summon, layers of strategy to build on, and deep lore, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed, especially if you’re a beginner.
The good news is that, as with all other competitive games, there’s still a reliable meta for Brave Frontier.
Even with a huge summon pool, it is possible to rank the units by their element, utility, party compatibility, and end-game potential.
Here is the most up-to-date Brave Frontier unit tier list for 2025.
Table of ContentsShow
These are units that stand out from the rest of their element group. Because of their outstanding damage/buff/defense stats, most of them shine in their specialized roles as nukers or mitigators and can even excel in all-around roles for the party.
If you’re lucky enough to acquire the base versions of these units, it’s imperative to grow and keep them in your party rotation.
Tarok has quickly become one of the strongest units in the game in 2021. Correctly taking advantage of his leader skill can net him off the charts bonus damage, especially for Earth elemental attacks.
Unit | Element |
Azius Inoko Desert Paradise Nyami Rhyne Cayena Ascha Aesys | Fire |
Ken Kaneki Peter Ptah Avyn Hakuzo Sidonie | Light |
Tarok Osiris Yasna Armaiti Alphie Sasha Nicholas Hypaea Sun-kissed Tilith | Earth |
Aoife Thot Gisele Galene Meryl & Milly Hilda Serin Inara | Water |
Orochi Set Noxa Vohu Evie Nuke Legato Kirke | Dark |
Ma’at Echo Paris Miriam Vash Nimrah Ukie Touka Vrana Ydra | Thunder |
These key units excel in their respective roles, with some outliers having huge potential as a “jack-of-all-trades” type of unit.
It’s essential to raise these units as well because they serve as good complementary pieces to your S-rank units, or even as viable replacements, depending on your party composition.
One of the more controversial additions to A-Tier is N’an-Wang-Mu. However, she can fill a similar role as Svalinn, plus has the advantage of being more versatile.
Unit | Element |
Czorag Annette Ultor Zeis Ellie Seria Juzo Suzuya Yan & Yuan Natalame Blaze Amus Kyo Roy Yamori Marianne Svalinn Gortius | Fire |
Odin Sero-Anya Persenet Karna Masta Kelsa Allanon Fionna Chloe Aurelia Vanila Kranus, the Argent | Light |
Ulagan Andaria Lydia S’eljah Elaina Bayley Gwenevere Wannahon Vektor Dranoel Baiken Nagid Limilnate Zeruiah Teresa | Earth |
Charlie Faelan Sennie Rene Utheria Tridon Vail & Vidron Kawab Haile Sae Kahiki Vikki Galea Wintia | Water |
Berserk Ezra Kielazar Kranus Saskya Xenon Noel Lico Kielezar Keres Dismal Omen Luro Ensa-Taya Savei R&R Semira Fatal Ruffles Vanessa Ciardha Alza Masta Nyami Lancelot Gwyll Theodor Shion Saya | Dark |
Sheriff Kassia Whitefang Kisrai Tevarius Fennia Mikael Chryssa N’an Wang Mu Zedus Cerise Bonnie Zelion Cleria Long Khepratum Silvie | Thunder |
These units are good in the roles they were made for, but they have certain flaws that can hinder the overall synergy of your party.
These flaws could range from below-average stat growths to an extremely situational skill pool. They’re worth raising, but their subpar growths prevent them from ascending into A-tier.
In a game like Brave Frontier, where you never know what you’re going to get out of every summon, B-tier units help round out your roster for the end game.
They have a niche use case, but still have high value in certain scenarios if the player knows how to use them in combination with other higher-ranked units.
Blast Brigadier Buck joins the game and he is not bad at all. He does not hit as hard as a premium unit with triple attack, but if you happen to summon him he is worth keeping.
Unit | Element |
Brigadier Buck Morgana Zegstia Sun Tse Azurai Laressa Feng Rain Ludero Emberheart Vyrr Owen Arus Ruby Rugahr Kagiya | Fire |
Joshua Kyria Juno Seto Lukroar Ceulfan Alan Gabriela Solos Lucius Linasera Regil Lilith Enile Lauda Krantz Maxwell Sefia | Light |
Nia Avani Nyala Mordlim Faelan Ophiucus Hisui Fei & Fang Libera Dion Edea Eriana Honoka & Hisa Hetepheres Bjorn & Linlin Shu Tsukiyama | Earth |
Viviane & Orah May Medina Elimo Lofia Rickel Lasswell Ilm Signas Isniel Tsovinar Karl Sheena | Water |
Galtier Katerin Cardes Merlin Neferet Zephyr Grahdens Yuura Illucen & Illumina Neviro Ebony & Enid Feora | Dark |
Daltisk Razak Crash Ordine Rhoa Ragra Tate & Tama Mordred Ewan Jireid | Thunder |
We’ve arrived at the middle-of-the-crop. These units can get you through most of the PvE stuff in the game but they’re not recommended for competitive play in the Arena or Colosseum.
Consider raising these if you have terrible luck in summoning higher-tiered units. As we’ve mentioned, these can power you through most of the game, but you’ll have a tougher time in special events and high-level quests since these units’ stats have simply fallen off the game’s meta.
Unit | Element |
Korzan Baelfyr Michele Agnia Afla Dillith Adel al-Akqat Barion Glenn Lava Mariano Heartstringer Guinne | Fire |
Rinon Spirited Beast Ni’en Ark Carroll Reseus Zekt Leo Whitefang Segrud Sirius Mora Kira Quentin & Quinn Carlos | Light |
Phileine Frigg Gandrei Daros Baro Felice Leona Zelnite Rozalia | Earth |
Florence Auberi Vaisal Savia Selena Lumis Holia Mariela | Water |
Zero Shida Yggdrasil Zero Lunaris Yggdrasil Zekuu Zenia Ragina Elza Dirk Rezo Feeva Toki Velma Mifune Zalvard Lilly Matah Johan | Dark |
Behemoth Vashi Eleanor Becstain Lid Kanon Loch Beiorg Shera Gilgamesh Gilbert | Thunder |
These units are acceptable in your roster only if you have a specific intended use for them. Overall, they wouldn’t be able to excel in any conventional party setup anyway, so think hard whether it’s worth your time to raise them or not.
You will likely pass on these most of the time because there are simply better units in their element.
Unfortunately, even units in D-Tier can get power crept. Asto has been moved down to F-Tier after the May 2021 patches.
Unit | Element |
Avant Rahotep Jakra Claire Mai Shiranui Valen K & K Alessa Malef Kulyuk Adriesta Griff | Fire |
Lara Agress Gaston Janice Mel Ionia Atro Amadream Miku Jack’O Garrel Zellha Izuna Estia Raquiel | Light |
Terry Lanza Mariletta Terry Lanza Mariletta Quaid Zevalhua Arboreal Glaes Divine Armor Freed Gyras Miell Dessit | Earth |
Zeleste Camilla Stein Arsom Melord Zalts Hugh Azalea Kitsu Tazer Kula Diamond Belfura Garrett Colt Astrid | Water |
Kikuri Xie’Jing Kafka Haido Sonia Mizo Dorte Zeek Alice Kalon Magress Ramlethal | Dark |
Licht Rize Eze Benimaru Balgran Eerikki Hallelujah Marlo Silas Fizz | Thunder |
As soon as you summon other units in the upper tiers, drop these immediately – they will be completely overshadowed as early as mid-game.
Luckily, F-Tier remains quite sparse, and not many units have been power crept out of the meta in 2021.
Unit | Element |
Shura Lyonnesse Barbara Sol Vargas Rengaku | Fire |
Elphelt Athena Asamiya Diastima Logi | Light |
Daze Nimune Ragzbyul Serge Lance | Earth |
Verne Amu Yunos Azami Iris Charlotte Asto Cotton | Water |
Luina Gregor Mard Geer Iori Ihsir | Dark |
Viktor Zora Ky Rayla Draegar | Thunder |
Some Insights On The List
It’s interesting to see that the tiers with the least number of units are S and F.
This accentuates the core of Brave Frontier’s gameplay loop: balanced luck. It’s extremely satisfying when you summon a high-tier unit, but equally disappointing when you get one that’s at the bottom of the rankings.
These moments are rare, so there’s always that added suspense whenever you summon.
The fact that there are so many units in tier A compared to S shows that Brave Frontier is focused on keeping the player wanting more, while also shifting the game’s balance in favor of the player.
Sure, you can breeze through the game with A-tier units – but what would it feel like to dominate with a party of S-tiers?
This loop of expectations and rewards is what makes Brave Frontier fun to play. It doesn’t give you the best units right away, but it also doesn’t frustrate you by constantly giving you useless units.
This list is consistent with the 2025 meta and base summoning pool, which means that some newer units (and a few seasonal ones) might be excluded.
This tier list also focuses on units the player will want to invest in when building an end-game party, meaning monsters, items, and units that are too weak are excluded because they have other uses outside of battle.