Anthem: How to Level-Up Fast

Want to start leveling up fast in Anthem? Here's the easiest ways to level up quickly and get strong and powerful early on!

In Anthem, your level connected to several stats and equipment. If you want to maximize how much damage you’re dealing, how powerful your weapons are, what power-ups you have access to, unlock all four Javelins, and most importantly, unlock Grandmaster 3 difficulty, you’ll want to hit level 30 as soon as possible.

Since playing through the main story will leave your character around level 20, you’ll have to develop an effective strategy to get the most out of Anthem’s different mission types.

That’s why we’re here to help guide you through the best methods for maximizing your XP gains and leveling up quickly. Make sure to check out our other Anthem guides:

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Group Up

Story Missions

Anthem rewards players for teaming up with bonus XP based on how many players are in a squad. To make sure you’re earning as many experience points as possible, keep your missions set to public, not private.

It may be unpleasant to play with strangers for some time, but taking on harder difficulty missions with a full squad greatly pays off.

Play On Hard Difficulty


This leads us to our next tip: once you’ve gotten a firm grasp on how combat and traversal works, play every mission on “Hard.”

It may sound intimidating at first, but Anthem’s definition of Hard is much closer to Normal, with just more enemies spawning. You’ll receive more XP and better rewards than on lower difficulties.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, refer back to our first tip and keep your squad open for others to join, you might just end up getting lucky and get matched with high-level players.

Complete Expedition Feats

To Level

During missions, you’ll find yourself completing smaller challenges called “Feats.” If you open up your inventory menu during a mission, you’ll see how far you are from completing each feat.

These can vary and are usually related to activities you’ll find yourself already doing, like reviving teammates, getting multi-kills, performing combos successfully, etc.

Completing feats gets you additional XP on top of what you’d receive from completing a mission, so they’re worth paying attention to. Additionally, they’ll make you more aware of Anthem’s different gameplay mechanics and improve your overall performance. You can complete feats in both Freeplay and Quickplay.

Complete Contracts


Contracts in Anthem can best be compared to side quests and can be picked up from NPCs like Yarrow and Brin, or notice boards around Fort Tarsis. Once you’ve completed all the Normal difficulty contracts, you’ll begin finding Legendary contracts, recognizable by their purple icon.

Completing contracts earns you more XP than usual missions. Once you’ve exhausted all of the assigned contracts, you’ll have to kill some time in Quickplay for new ones to show up.

Farm XP in Quickplay


In Quickplay, you’ll be joining squads that have an open slot. This means you can be placed into any mission or stronghold in the game, including the final one. Therefore it’s probably best to wait till you’ve completed the story if you want to avoid spoilers.

This mode is perfect for farming more experience points, and you might be lucky enough to join a mission in progress that’s close to the end, making for the easy XP gains.

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Justin Fernandez

As a fan of both indie and triple-A games, Justin finds joy in discovering and sharing hidden gems with other passionate gamers. In addition to reporting on the latest and greatest titles, he manages GamingScan’s social media channels.

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